Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama Legacy

Now that the debate on health care is over and it has become the law its time to move on to other more pressing issues in the world politics. For an American president its never too early to talk about legacy. Anybody can build a library and a highway can be named after them, real work for legacy takes courage, vision, and determination. Obama has shown to have those qualities.

The odds against President Obama are still stacked mile high in the form of Cheney, Bush, AIPAC, Foxxx News and that ugly little GOP poodle that won't stop barking, Sarah Palin. Yet despite the odds, President Obama has done wonderfully. His stature as a leader around the world is recognized and improving. Just the other day Russian President showered him with unprecedented praise coming from a Russian leader for any sitting American president. He is well liked almost all around the world except in certain circles where he can not win no matter what he does short of bombing the entire world for the benefit of one group. As such he will have much easier time now with the next agenda item on the world stage, whatever that happens to be. In the process the stature of America the world over has improved. It's time for Obama to look forward and do great things, not only for America but for the whole world. Here is a list of top five agenda setting items:

1. End the war on terror - officially or otherwise
War on terror is the legacy of Bush and what a legacy that is. The legacy of hate and crimes against humanity. End the war on terror but that does not mean we can not promote democracy and freedom for the oppressed people around the world. There is no shortage of oppressed people around the world but the iron fist has never helped sustain a real democracy, and the alternative can only be pushed when there is enough of a peace and harmony to realize the dividends of democracy and freedom. That also does not mean we have to compromise on our security. What we need is to reign in the rogue elements within the government and stop the False Red Flag Attacks on America, which many think is an inside job.

2. Have direct talks with Iran - no preconditions
Under tremendous pressure from the wrong side of the isle, Iran was never offered a place at the negotiating table. The threats, from the remnants of the old regime still marauding as if Bush never left the office, never ceased. There was no offer made. The preconditions were all in place. The grievances of either side were never addressed. The outcome of the diplomacy with the second and third level diplomats (no influence and no authority to offer anything substantial) were a sham for the news media hounds to report the failure. Negotiations were means to an end. That end was to have the negotiations fail for the world to see that Iranians are not cooperating.

Its time for real negotiations with Iran. These talks have to be at the highest level, started and run by somebody that matters and by somebody who does not have minimal allegiance to special interest groups. No operative of AIPAC from the state department will do; that essentially takes the whole state department out of the running so it has to be an outsider to start and lead the negotiations with Iran.

Why negotiate? Although the threat to the world from Iran is overblown by leaps and bounds and only Foxxx News sees the trigger finger set to go off (which means anybody with iota of intelligence can relax, really), the ideological threat does exist and its substantial. A negotiated end to Iranian uranium enrichment crises can lead to other issues being settled without having to allocate resources and manpower.

3. Completely muzzle the old regime - including Liz Cheney
Stonewall Foxxx News and Associated Press. These two outfits have done more damage to American peoples' psyche then any other two outfits combined. The impact is tremendous but the truth finally comes out. They are strictly the mouthpieces for the far far right fringe elements and that include pretty much the entire GOP leadership of today. Far and wide there are no moderates in GOP anymore, none that get any press time. Its as if they have all converted to Islam or something - they never have a chance with the press.

More importantly, Liz Cheney, Daddy Cheney and the entire hate mongering right wing machine has to be shut down. Shut it down for the sake of American people. Enough with the hatred, enough with the wars, enough with the killing. People want peace and harmony. People want to live without hatred. People are tired of hatred. People want a new day and a new beginning.

4. Muzzle the Israeli war machine and stop aid to Israel until they come to negotiating table - with no preconditions.
The whole world knows we are supporting Apartheid regime but most can not say anything for fear of reprisals, or don't get their voices heard. Any descent is met with maximum penalty. The rule of law, the right and wrong, the human rights, everything goes out the window when taking sides with Iz-ra-eel.

5. Declare and recognize independent Palestinian state - without further delay
Single most important thing that President Obama can do for the world peace. A fully recognized independent Palestinian state would bring in the most vehement supporters of J1h@d and all the other undesirable things on the world stage. Its the single most important thing any president can do to create a lasting legacy, one that will be remembered forever in the history of the world. It will be that one milestone event that all other events will be judged against. Iraq war will be a distant memory, Afghanistan war will cease to exist. The time for a unilateral recognition of independent State of Palestine has come. Mr. President, act on this opportunity, act on it now, consequences be damned. There will be no consequences.

This is the legacy setting agenda that will make Mr. Obama one of the most popular American President in the history of the world.

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