Sunday, February 28, 2010

No Spin A Pleasant Surprise

American media left in the dust

Few Days ago an article in Christian Science Monitor mentioned about news media that was relatively unbiased. It's a rather novel concept in these troubled times. What was not surprising at all was the fact that not one of the outlet was US based. Free speech produces all sorts of monsters and one of them happens to be the one where whoever owns the media can spew any amount of lies and get away with it.

One of the surprises in the list was Hindu Times.

The Hindu Times is far cry, at least from the preliminary reading, from the bias and hatred that Associated Press or New York Times spews out. Here is the report in question:
Headline: Saudi Arabia 'worried' about Pakistan situation

What was remarkable about the article? Unlike the Associated Press article which would have reminded the reader about Three wars that India and Pakistan have fought in the past, the gory details of the Mumbai Attacks (how many killed and how the synagogue was attacked and how old is that survivor boy from the synagogue etc.) it stuck to the facts regarding the topic at hand which was the Saudi foreign Minister's meeting with the visiting prime minister of India. In addition there were ample details about the trip and related happenings and other articles if you really wanted to dig deeper.

The New York Times would not have fared any better than Associated Press since they are both cut from the same cloth, one that has the bias as hubris written all over it. It is refreshing to see a news outlet that sticks to new reporting instead of news making. Opinions are good but those should remain in the editorial pages instead of on the front pages disguised as news.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Toyota Has A Problem

What does Toyota and Iran have in common?

Stanley McCrystal has apologized to the people of Afghanistan for killing civilians by mistake. Media is all over it and he is a hero. All is good because the media says so. So where is the voice of the bereaved? Are they OK with it? Is Apology enough? Where are the scholarships, and the memorials, and memoirs for the dead? Maybe they were all just losers and had nothing to say or contribute to society. Maybe they deserved this fate!

So America kills and all they have to do is apologize. When it comes to Toyota, nobody is buying their apology. The tearful testimony from a driver, the repetition of bad news throughout the mainstream media playing in the hands of the special interest groups.

Iran making Nuclear weapons? According to media they already have their finger on the trigger ready to launch these weapons of mass destruction. In reality and according to the best estimates they are about 15 years away from nuclear weapon capability. The nuclear plant that Russia promised is still under construction. Constant delays and reneging of the signed contracts is the order of the day. Russia playing both sides to extract maximum political capital.
So what is the point? What does Toyota and Iran have in common? Apparently a lot. Both Toyota and Iran need better PR machines. Of course the media is not going to say the right thing unless they are paid lots of money. Buying journalists is age old practice and the media sacred cows always get the best treatment. How much is Ford and GM paying their lobbyists to spread the bad news?

The mealy mouth apology of Toyota chief and his cowering in front of the congress only shows a complete lack of understanding of American system and American way of doing things. Now they are going to spend a billion dollar fixing the damage caused by this apology. The lawsuits, the lost sales, and the image problem will cost Toyota hundreds of millions of dollars. Every little problem will be attributed to bad breaks and whatever other ills that they can find, all lumped in this giant issue of unintended acceleration because of stuck accelerator.

There was a better solution to this problem and may have saved Toyota few millions in the long run. They could have spent million dollar on securing a good lobbyist, a savvy PR firm, a team of well connected lawyers, and few well placed journalists and problem would have been mitigated. Not to mention, a few heads at high places should have rolled, blamed this problem where it belongs which is at the point these parts were tested and that happens to be at the factories here in the US. Aren't these cars assembled and tested here in the US. Sure the parts come from Japan but the final testing and approval rests on the engineers in the US factories.

Maybe this will be a lesson for the next generation of Toyoda family, the fourth generation. What would the grandfather have done if faced with the same situation? A question we may never find the answer to.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We Want Money, And Lots Of It

Since WWII companies, big and small have made restitution to Holocaust funds worldwide. Recently, IBM made undisclosed restitution for its alleged part in providing computers and related know how to Germans during WWII. It turned out some of the equipment was purchased before the war.

Nevertheless, IBM capitulated under pressure for perceived defamation promised by jewish groups and in the process not only promised huge sums to several jewish organizations but, against their better economic judgment, decided to move major part of its development to Haifa, iz-ra-eel to appease the jewish lawyers that were ready to drag IBM through courts for whatever they can get out of IBM, even if it took years. This amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars for jewish groups and for the jewish state. This is in addition to the billions already extracted, by hook or crook, in the name of holocaust. These funds go to the benefit of hundreds of organizations that support many causes including usurping of Palestinian land, getting people to visit Iz-ra-eel, providing scholarship funds to jewish students, and contributing to iz-ra-eeli political interests all across the united States. The visits mentioned earlier are part of the Birth Right movement but they are not limited to jewish youth. They bring in American politicians, including big names like Governor of Texas Rick Perry, the media people across the spectrum, and anybody that could benefit and increase the influence of the jewish state.

Fast forward to atrocities and extra judicial killings in Iraq. The survivors of some of the dead received $200-2000 only. No scholarships, no trips, no industry moving to Iraq, no lawsuits. Nothing. A measly $200 for Iraqi blood. There were videos aplenty to show soldiers handing out money to women in Burqas, toting a kid along in the dust to get her $200. Some may have gotten $2000 but those were few and far between.

Today General McCrystal is apologizing to Afghans for killing, by government count, 27 civilians. What is the current exchange rate and how much or how far $200 will go in the war ravaged country? This is not the first time the civilians have died at the hands of errant special operations forces. If past is any indicator forget the exchange rate. You will not need it. You ain't getting anything other than a televised apology so Associated Press can display that with pride, write up a biased article and everybody will be happy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Confessions Of A CCN News Hack

How the CCN comments work - Moderation, Culling, outright discrimination

We asked around and after much struggle and lot of phone calls Pavilion found somebody who was willing to talk about this very sensitive issue. How the comments are moderated at CCN.

"I worked for CCN, one based in GA and I was one of the many people that were part of the comments moderation. Here is how the comments are moderated at CCN:

When you first sign on you have to confirm your email and login credentials. Once you have done that your name goes in a database that is compared against a database of names. The names in this master database are compared for Muslim sounding names. Any names that match the criteria are set aside in another database. The user is not restricted from commenting after you sign on but the names do not show up as the user name but only as Guest. This prevents you from searching for your comment as fast as if you were to have your name appear on a page of comments.

These guest comments are treated in a special way. Once the comments by these "Guests" are posted they are matched up and culled on regular basis for comments that are overly sensitive to Israel, zionism, any special interests, names of companies (For example New York Times, Associate Press). These companies are sacred and nothing can last too long with the comments that speak negatively about these entities or companies.

Other comments that make "too much" sense such as points made with eloquence about Islam, Muslims, and things that can not be refuted easily are regularly removed from the list of comments. Initially this takes place using a fairly sophisticated software with lot of rules and algorithm to separate the "good" from the "bad."

Majority of the work is done by computers however the logic in a comment, although discernible by a computer program, is usually given a second look by a human person, like myself. We have strict instructions to adhere to the rules and policies given to us as part of the initial training. Here is a partial list of things we have to watch for. These are top of the agenda:

1. Negative comments regarding CCN
2. Overly negative comments referring to Israeli policies and comparing them with Apartheid, Nazism, Zionism
3. Personal Information - whether that is of the person posting the comment or about another person - is removed immediately
4. Mention of another website with a link (especially a deep link)
5. Negatively mentioning other companies such as other news organizations
6. Any information that could be deemed classified - loosely following State Department guidelines
7. Comments that are overly long and convoluted in nature

As part of these rules, policies and guidelines there is a special section for anything related to Islam and Muslims.

This section mentions in quite a lot of detail what can and can not be included. Generically speaking any comments inciting violence against Muslims are considered offensive and should be removed. However, comments regarding the prophet, Allah, the Muslim clergy, the Imams are all fair game. There is also a mention of free speech when it comes to comments on Islam and Muslims.

I was fired from CCN because some people thought that I was being "too fair" with some of the comments. The word among the people working in my group was that it (people getting fired for this specific reason) could happen to anybody and other people have either been moved or let go if the group leader or the reviewer thought a person was not following the specific policy. The termination was immediate and without recourse.

Here are some work around but nothing is fool proof because you can fool the computer once but that is about it. New words and variation of words are added on regular basis just like virus definitions or words in a Spam filter:
1. Use creative word variation
2. Be on the look out for your comments. Make copies of your comments. If you see them removed, post them again. They will be there for at least a little while until the next round of comment culling
3. Use fictitious name. Use an alternate name in your email too.

Good Luck"

Pavilion Editor Note (Update): Soon after a comment was posted on CCN website with a link to this site the commenting privilage of that account was taken away. Here are the screen shots:
First the login
No comments anymore.

These are the comments posted earlier and the top comment being the link to this article.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Headline: Pakistai Forces Capture Top Taliban

When Will Pakistan Get Any Respect

Kudos all around for Pakistan. Even from America and most of all from American media. Although the media coverage is still muffled and mealy mouthed. These things are absolutely unheard of. Is this the change Obama promised the world? Is this start of something new?

Pakistan can do no right. For years everybody has maligned Pakistan for not killing their own people, for having to work with archaic equipment, for having to deal with sanctions, tariffs, custom duties and countless other ways that have hamstrung them from making any progress against the forces of evil. Not only that but it has damaged the industry, education and everything in between. Yes there is corruption, yes there are actors in Pakistan working on both sides, but name one country that does not have that problem. Name just one country please.

For years Pakistan has been blamed for Afghanistan's internal problems while ineptitude and corruption in and outside of Afghan government has gone unnoticed. The same corruption that has been going on for years including Karzai telling the opium growers to continue producing opium has just now surfaced because it is in the interest of NATO and the US to bring that out after the botched elections.

The best way forward with Pakistan is to give them what they need in training, sophisticated warfare equipment, tanks, drones, and aeroplanes. State department should remove the hoops the Pakistanis have to jump to get even a lousy night vision goggles. Pakistan has the talent and the know how to take advantage of these "facilities" and reign in the actors that are colluding with anybody that America thinks is working against their interest. Perhaps they have shown too much talent in the past that soon after the new technology is sold to Pakistan they have come up with their own by reverse engineering.

More importantly, they need to tell Karzai to straighten his own house and stop the corruption in his government. Some but not enough of that is happening. One way to deal with the people of Afghanistan: kill all the Pashtuns, Pakhtoons, and Uzbek. Another way: give these majorities their rights and allow them to participate in the government. People of Afghanistan are tired of war and they are tired of interference from outside. People of Afghanistan are tired of proxy wars and wars for saving face. People of Afghanistan want to be left alone.

People of Pakistan are tired of having their sovereignty taken away. People of Pakistan are tired of politicians that are sold out to foreign governments for pittance, and they are tired of not being able to practice freedom in their own country. People are tired of living in fear. People of Pakistan want to be left alone and find their own way out.

The recent advances in democracy in Pakistan, although not perfect, are a clear indication of that. Will America oblige?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hariri Assasination

The Truth Will Prevail

This year Feb 14th is the 5th anniversary of the assisination of Rafiq Hariri. He was the beloved son of Lebanon, one of the best things that happened to Lebanon. He was charismatic, he had all the right connections across the Muslim world, he was even involved in politics of countries like Pakistan. He was instrumental in the education of thousands of Lebanese through the works of Hariri Foundation. He was a real valentine for many. What he lacked was the sufficient backing of the then state department. That is how he got killed.

If you know anything about the Middle East politics, you know that its easy to assisinate people and even easier to lay the blame on whomever you want to lay the blame on. Rafiq Hariri's assasination and subsequent blame game is no exception to that tried and true rule.

For years all everybody has heard is "people" pointing fingers at Syria. Poeple that have absolutely nothing to do with Lebanese politics. People that don't even know where Lebanon is on the map. But that is only in the US. It's the easiest part of the blame game. Who is going to question that? Is the media going to question the validity of that blame? Absolutely not. The entire mainstream media, without a single exception, is married to one and its favorite cause: backing Iz-ra-eel even at the expense of the destruction of our democratic ideals. Are the people going to challenge the varacity of this claim. There is no chance of that. How is anybody going to questions it? Why is anybody going to question that? Are they going to question that via the blogs and comments on the blogs? For all practical purposes comments on the blog are meaningless chatter, especially after the fact. Comments are moderated by the same people that edit the original news. Is anything that they don't want reported can get past those moderators? Absolutely not. Has anybody tried undoing the damage caused by false reporting? Good luck with that. That leaves the foreign press. However, so little of that tricles down to American audience that the impact of it is negligent, better yet its non-existent. What if three or so people know the truth or are convinced that its anything other than what the mainstream media is selling. Does anything change?

The people that have visited Lebanon and have been following this story from day one has a different opinion though. The opinion no one ever hears. They all point finger at Iz-ra-eel. There is very little doubt in the minds of majority of Lebanese because by way of technique, the aftermath, the method of detonation, the lack of any proof left afterwards, and the magnitude of the explostion and the destruction caused by it, all points to this being the work of M0ssad. Poeple in the know, that have seen both relate this to the bombng that killed the South Lebanes Army general that was going to testify against Ariel Sharon in the case of war crimes against Sharon in Belgium.

Lebanon, with its internal strife going on, does not have the know how to do any investigation. Syria had just pulled most of its operatives from Lebanon and there was no high enough ranking officer that could be available on the scene when the bombing took place. The evidence gathered was stale and may be tainted to start with. No other country in the middle east has its own forensics experts to do a real and thorough analysis of the evidence. Therein lies the biggest advantage for Iz-ra-eel. Therein lies the freedom of having a free hand that Iz-ra-eel has over anybody that it deems an enemy. In addition, all the Arab countries are loath to admit that they don't have neither the experties, or the political clout, nor the power to question what International court of public opinion, formualted at the hands of kept media, holds.

Until any one or more of these factors change the targeted killings will continnue unabated and blame will continue to be placed on whomever Iz-ra-eel chooses to put the blame on.

"Hijab for women in Islam"

Why Do Women Wear Hijab In Islam?

Editor's note: This is second of several articles about many aspects of Hijab in Islam from women's perspective.

Western world for all its advances in knowledge aquisition has conveniently forgot many things including respect for other religions. French are trying to take the lead in showing the world they are the worst of the biggots and proud of it.

As part of this war on Islam the western media is foremost in spreading not only hatred but all kinds of misconceptions about Islam. As part of that process Hijab has been made symbol of tyranny and opression by Muslim men over Muslim women. This is farthest from the truth in 99% of the cases. Unfortunately, nobody questions the western media when it comes to maligning Islam and Muslims. Not only that but based on some of the comments left on blogs indicate that some people revel in spewing hatred and biggotry. News outlets like CNN has made their business to single out Muslim issues to allow comments so people can spew thier hatred.

During all of this one thing that is overlooked is the fact that most Muslim women have their own ability to read, understand, and implement teachings of Islam. These teachinngs, as the following write-up shows, include wearing Hijab and covering oneself, and being modest.

Consider the following:
The prescription of Hijab is even mentioned in other religions, for example, Christianity. As you read below you will find the details of the mentioning of Hijab in the Holy Bible.

The common misconception among westerners is that "Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?

The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular media. The ‘hijab’ or the Islamic dress is cited by many as an example of the ‘subjugation’ of women under Islamic law. Before we analyze the reasoning behind the religiously mandated ‘hijab’, let us first study the status of women in societies before the advent of Islam.

1. In the past women were degraded and used as objects of lust
The following examples from history amply illustrate the fact that the status of women in earlier civilizations was very low to the extent that they were denied basic human dignity:

a. Babylonian Civilization: The women were degraded and were denied all rights under the Babylonian law. If a man murdered a woman, instead of him being punished, his wife was put to death.

b. Greek Civilization: Greek Civilization is considered the most glorious of all ancient civilizations. Under this very ‘glorious’ system, women were deprived of all rights and were looked down upon. In Greek mythology, an ‘imaginary woman’ called ‘Pandora’ is the root cause of misfortune of human beings. The Greeks considered women to be subhuman and inferior to men. Though chastity of women was precious, and women were held in high esteem, the Greeks were later overwhelmed by ego and sexual perversions. Prostitution became a regular practice amongst all classes of Greek society.

c. Roman Civilization: When Roman Civilization was at the zenith of its ‘glory’, a man even had the right to take the life of his wife. Prostitution and nudity were common amongst the Romans.

d. Egyptian Civilization: The Egyptian considered women evil and as a sign of a devil.

e. Pre-Islamic Arabia: Before Islam spread in Arabia, the Arabs looked down upon women and very often when a female child was born, she was buried alive.

2. Islam uplifted women and gave them equality and expects them to maintain their status.
Islam uplifted the status of women and granted them their just rights 1400 years ago. Islam expects women to maintain their status.

Hijab for men

People usually only discuss ‘hijab’ in the context of women. However, in the Glorious Qur’an, Allah (God) first mentions ‘hijab’ for men before ‘hijab’ for the women.

The Qur’an mentions in Surah Noor: "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah (God) is well acquainted with all that they do." [Al-Qur’an: Chapter 24, Verse 30].

The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze.

Hijab for women

The next verse of Surah Noor, says: "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons..." [Al-Qur’an: Chapter 24, Verse 31]3.

Six criteria for Hijab

According to Qur’an and Sunnah (i.e.Teaching of our beloved Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him) there are basically six criteria for observing hijab:

1. Extent: The first criterion is the extent of the body that should be covered. This is different for men and women. The extent of covering obligatory on the male is to cover the body at least from the navel to the knees. For women, the extent of covering obligatory is to cover the complete body except the face and the hands upto the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body. Some scholars of Islam insist that the face and the hands are part of the obligatory extent of ‘hijab’. All the remaining five criteria are the same for men and women.

2. The clothes worn should be loose and should not reveal the figure.

3. The clothes worn should not be transparent such that one can see through them.

4. The clothes worn should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex.

5. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the opposite sex.

6. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the unbelievers i.e. they should not wear clothes that are specifically identities or symbols of the unbelievers’ religions.

It is a misconception that Hijab is prescribed only in Islam. But if we read the Holy Bible carefully, we will find the mention of Hijab in the following verses

1. Corinthians Chapter 11 Verses 5-6 It says "5- But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6- For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered".

2. Deuteronomy Chapter 22 Verse 5

It says "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God".

3. Timothy Chapter 2 Verse 9

It says "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array".

From the above verses of the The Holy Bible we come to know that Christianity is more stricter than Islam regarding Hijab. Because it says that if the women does not cover her head shave off her head. Nowhere in the Qur'an it is mentioned that if the women does not cover her head shave off her head. Also, if you see the picture of Mother Mary you will always see her in Hijab.

4. Hijab includes conduct and behaviour among other things

Complete ‘hijab’, besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behaviour, attitude and intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of ‘hijab’ of the clothes is observing ‘hijab’ in a limited sense. ‘Hijab’ of the clothes should be accompanied by ‘hijab’ of the eyes, ‘hijab’ of the heart, ‘hijab’ of thought and ‘hijab’ of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, the way he behaves, etc.

5. Hijab prevents molestation

The reason why Hijab is prescribed for women is mentioned in the Qur’an in the following verses of Surah Al-Ahzab: "O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad); that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Al-Qur’an: Chapter 33, Verse 59]

The Qur’an says that Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women and this will also prevent them from being molested.

6. Example of twin sisters

Suppose two sisters who are twins, and who are equally beautiful, walk down the street. One of them is attired in the Islamic hijab i.e. the complete body is covered, except for the face and the hands up to the wrists. The other sister is wearing western clothes, a mini skirt or shorts. Just around the corner there is a hooligan or ruffian who is waiting for a catch, to tease a girl. Whom will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Hijab or the girl wearing the skirt or the mini? Naturally he will tease the girl wearing the skirt or the mini. Such dresses are an indirect invitation to the opposite sex for teasing and molestation. The Qur’an rightly says that hijab prevents women from being molested.

7. Capital punishment for the rapists

Under the Islamic shariah, a man convicted of having raped a woman, is given capital punishment. Many are astonished at this ‘harsh’ sentence. Some even say that Islam is a ruthless, barbaric religion! I have asked a simple question to hundreds of non-Muslim men. Suppose, God forbid, someone rapes your wife, your mother or your sister. You are made the judge and the rapist is brought in front of you. What punishment would you give him? All of them said they would put him to death. Some went to the extent of saying they would torture him to death. To them I ask, if someone rapes your wife or your mother you want to put him to death. But if the same crime is committed on somebody else’s wife or daughter you say capital punishment is barbaric. Why should there be double standards?

8. Western society falsely claims to have uplifted womenWestern talk of women’s liberalization is nothing but a disguised form of exploitation of her body, degradation of her soul, and deprivation of her honour. Western society claims to have ‘uplifted’ women. On the contrary it has actually degraded them to the status of concubines, mistresses and society butterflies who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers, hidden behind the colourful screen of ‘art’ and ‘culture’.

9. USA has one of the highest rates of rape

United States of America is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries of the world. It also has one of the highest rates of rape in any country in the world. According to a FBI report, in the year 1990, every day on an average 1756 cases of rape were committed in U.S.A alone. Later another report said that on an average everyday 1900 cases of rapes are committed in USA. The year was not mentioned. May be it was 1992 or 1993. Consider a scenario where the Islamic hijab is followed in America. Whenever a man looks at a woman and any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. Every woman wears the Islamic hijab, that is the complete body is covered except the face and the hands upto the wrist. After this if any man commits rape he is given capital punishment. I ask you, in such a scenario, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same, or will it decrease?

10. Implementation of Islamic Shariah will reduce the rate of rapes

Naturally as soon as Islamic Shariah is implemented positive results will be inevitable. If Islamic Shariah is implemented in any part of the world, whether it is America or Europe, society will breathe easier. Hijab does not degrade a woman but uplifts a woman and protects her modesty and chastity.

Apart from all these reasoning there are numerous Scientific Benefits of wearing Hijab:

Protecting the head is one of the method to prevent heat lost. Results of medical tests show that 40-60% of body heat is lost through the head, so persons wearing head coverings during cold months are protected about fifty-percent more than those who do not.

In Chinese medical texts, in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Internal Medicine, it was stated that wind can cause sudden changes within the body and will upset the body’s equilibrium thus, creating bad health.

It was written that common cold are related to wind elements entering the body and causing the typical symptoms of sneezing and a running nose.

In the traditional Islamic medical texts of Al-Jawziyya, numerous references to the "four elements" of fire, water, air and earth and how these affect the body in adverse ways. In particular, we are advised to stay away from drafts and protect our heads in wind, breezes, drafts and cold weather.

Also, for health reasons, protecting the head is even more important in warm weather. V.G. Rocine, a prominent brain research specialist, has found that brain Phosphorus melts at 108 degrees; a temperature that can be easily reached if one stays under the hot sun for any length of time without a head covering. When this happens, irreversible brain damage, memory loss and loss of some brain functions can result. Although this example is extreme, Brain damage can still be measured in small degrees from frequent exposure to and overheating of the head.

Bernard Jensen, a naturopath and chiropractor states that this is because the brain runs on the mineral phosphorus, which is very affected by heat.

And while discussing about health, if we look at the home economic perspectives, Hijab head-covering are required for those working in the food sectors. This is to ensure that cleanliness is maintained to avoid food poisoning.

"Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord"Gospel of Mark: Chapter 12 Verse 29

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dueling Veeps

The worst presidency in the history of the United States = George Bush
The worst vice presidency in the history of the United States = Dick Cheney

Unfortunately neither of them are done with America yet. When and how can we get rid of these two people and stop the destruction of this country?

Keith Olberman who is one of the most vehement opponent of bush had this to say earlier:

"He's been shrill, totally unpatriotic, and sounding more concerned with torture and interrogation than with results and intelligence. ... I think he may believe that only his vision can save American, and thus anything, including lying to America, is justifiable. This is, I believe, called 'a Messiah Complex."

During the Bush/cheney years any critic of their administration was immediately labeled anti-America and unpatriotic. The media went along with that and unabashedly maligned anybody that opposed these two people or any of their cohorts. Now when they are out of power, they have abrogated to themselves the right to do what they denied others. Hypocrisy's other name is cheney.

Cheney said "It's the mindset that concerns me." when talking about the treatment of some of the suspects. How is that different from how Richard Reid was treated during Bush presidency. But the guy at the ABC who is suppose to be big times reporter with many years of journalism under his belt, Jonathan Karl, did not ask this very pertinent question, r asked it in a way that gave him an easy out. Did it just not occur to him at the time or was it just something he was not going to ask. Most likely its the later because enough of these people asking the hard question could have prevented the US going to war with Iraq, would have prevented many other catastrophes during the previous administration. These journalists are tongue tied in front of these politicians or are they protecting their sacred cows?

So the problem, once again, is the media. As long as the media keep giving Dick and George time and space on the air and in print they will never ever run out of words to say to mislead the Amercing people. As long as Media stays away from hard questions they will keep getting away with it. American people, for all their strengths, are more easily mislead than any other people because they want to believe somebody. They want to trust those who they elected, now or in the past. That is a two edged sword. Fortunately, judging by the comments on some news sites (excluding Faux News) people are waking up to the truth. Whether any of that will matter or not, only time will tell.

The hypocrisy should stop with the realization that both george and dick were wrong on Iraq. They have caused to have hundreds of thousands of people killed and instead of being ashamed of it they want others to join them so they are not alone. They want others to fail so they stop looking so bad. The stated policy of Republican fringe is that they hope for Obama to fail which was expressed clearly through their mouthpiece Rush. Nobody from the Republican party criticized that, which essentially indicates they all agreed with him. However, realizing they were wrong and admitting it would take a much bigger men than both of these criminals will ever be.

Here is another curiosity. Anytime Cheney comes on a show he seems to be bashing Bush and his policies while bush was in the office. The purpose is two fold. One, it sets the agenda for the current republican wingnuts in the congress. Second, he is playing the role of a good cop and a bad cop and essentially in the process he is making bush look good. From a historical perspective nobody really cares about the vice presidency. If the bush presidency, compared to some to the policies being implemented today, is making him look good than Cheney benefits indirectly. For him it's a win win situation. That is why even if they have to buy time from the networks they will do that to push their agendas.

If Cheney was Japanese, by about now, with all the proof we have against this guy somebody would he handing him the sword.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Headline: Sleuths unravel 16th-century Italian murder mystery

Will There Ever Be Justice Anymore

The headline from Reuters talks about Italians opening a case after 447 years to find out the real motives and who was involved in killing a baroness. Amazing. Justice must be served. N matter how late it happens to be. Does not matter if the real culprits are punished. Does not matter how severe the crime was. The logic is that justice must be served.

Is that how long we will have to wait until the crimes committed by our current officials in State Department, CIA and FBI with extra judicial killings around the world can be brought to fore and some modicum of justice served?

How about those committed by IDF and Mossad, latest being the killing of Hamas official while traveling through Dubai? When will we know about them? Or the torture and murder committed by the foot soldiers at the behest of the US war machine and covered up by the officers in Afghanistan. In this case there are so many false reports entered as true and bonafied that the truth may never come out.

How about the ones committed at the US base in Guantanamo Bay. People have died under the watchful eyes of the warden. People have been tortured with video tapes rolling. Will archives ever be made public so the guilty party can acknowledge their crimes? Maybe punished for war crimes. Or maybe we will send some operative to trash those tapes as "unreadable" like they did with the records of George Bush in the National Guard. How convenient was that. It was a good old boy from Texas who probably did not know how to operate the machine to read the records. But he sure knew to trash them before they get in the "wrong" hands.

Four Hundred and forty seven years is a long time. Maybe we can take some comfort with the Medgar Evers case which was solved after more than 50 years. Justice was finally served.

Will the media lead us to War with Iran

The Obvious Truth People Are Refusing To See

From New York Times to Associated Press to Google, the hypocritical coverage and misleading news headlines is leading us to war with Iran. Last two moths there has hardly been a day that New York Times has not printed a decisively opinionated column telling the nation and the world that its OK to go to war with Iran. The allegiance of New York Times with Iz-ra-eeli lobby is no surprise. New York Times, touted as independent media is THE mouthpiece of AIPAC and rest of the Iz-ra-eeli war machine.

The latest headline from Google:

Here is the headline from New York Times:

The story does not stop at the headlines though. Many of the articles, opinions, and Op-Ed pieces allow you to leave comments and that is where the real story reside. The vitriol, the venom spewed, and the amount of hatred towards not only Iran but rest of the world that has anything to do with Iran. Surprisingly nobody faults the Russians who actually sold the technology as well as most of the know how on building the reactor. Why? The truth may just come out as to what is the capability of is sold to them.

Here are comments and there is no surprise as to what is expected:

Here is another example:

The distortions, the half truths, the misinformation, the unsubstantiated anonymous sources, and just outright lies is what makes up the coverage of Iran nuclear issues. There are many people that know exactly how crooked the media is when it comes to Iran however most of these people have no clue what to do about it. Here is an example of the misinformation (this is realted to drone attacks in Pakistan and the "accuracy" of these attacks):

So the question one must ask: how do they know they were all militants?

One advantage that media has over people at large is that no matter how many comments you leave with hard facts the damage that is done by somebody like New York Times can never be undone. Nobody has the time to call them to account. So the editors know very well that these distortions no matter how egregious are not going to land them in court. The actual war criminals are walking the streets stuffing there pockets let alone the editors of a newspaper being called to account.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Top 10 Tools Of Tyranny

Media outlets are prominently displayed in this menagerie of culprits that are destroying America one brick at a time. This is so because people become what they hear and see. People want to see what they WANT to see and hear and believe. We see and hear what matches with what we think is reality. We confirm what we know, expand on what has changed of what we know, and assimilate more of the similar stuff that reinforces what we already know and believe. In a survey of 22,000 people in 21 countries, only politicians ranked as less trustworthy than managers of large companies, who finished behind lawyers and Journalists. The journalists rank very low in the scheme of things when it comes to trustworthiness and ethical standards.
American media gives us 90% of what we want to see and 90% of what we see is handed down to us based on what the media wants us to see. It's very circular. We become what we see and hear. If hatred and bigotry is what we see on TV than that is exactly what we become: hateful and bigoted. If we see xenophobia then that is what we become in our day to day life. That is what media is doing to us. It plays a huge role in what we think, do and how we treat other people around us. Media shapes our lives in more way then we would like to admit.

Fox News
The amount of misinformation coming out of this media outlet is unmatched. If this was a liberal media owned by a foreigner, Rupert Murdoch, the likes of Rush and Glenn will be accusing them of selling out America to foreigners. However no one ever says a word about that since it favors conservatives and it serves their purpose. According to them it's perfect for America.
US State Department
The true shadow government within the Obama government. Hillary Clinton is suppose to be incharge of it but she has been sidelined from about the second month into her appointment. Beyond that was all Rahm and his henchmen running the foreign policy.

American Enterprise Institute
The neocon hang out of people like Karl Rove and Richard Perle, the prince of Darkness. Even Lynn Cheney has a desk their for allegedly writing books for kids.

Hired mercenaries and thugs with no regard for life whatsoever. They have recently been ordered out of Iraq but it remains to be seen how they are going to be morphed to pull wool over the Iraqi government's eyes. The weak government in Iraq is the obvious advantage Blackwater has. The crimes against the innocent, murder in broad daylight, and bribery from the highest level. What more evidence you need to declare them enemies of state, both in America and abroad. Its all about the networking and who you know in the high places.

New York Times
Behind the excellence in writing is the ultimate sword of hatred and bigotry. It kills, and kills relentlessly. They have a special section dedicated to inciting unrest in Iran, or so it seems. Even the Iranian clerics have become the darling of news hacks at this establishment. When China kills its own Muslim civilian population in cold blood, according to New York Times its China's "Strongman" protecting the interests of the state. See also our top ten enemies of peace.

Associated Press
With control over 5000+ print media and 1700+ TV stations they have the monopoly over all aspects of any household globally. This is especially true in the west because that is where most of the information that comes out of this premier hatemonger is consumed. Unless you are living in a cave you can not escape from the clutches of this tool of tyranny. The biased and agenda driven drivel coming out of this media conglomerate is unmatched. Top secret weapon: the people who decide what goes in the news and what stays out. See also our top ten enemies of peace.
Rush, Glenn, And The Right Wing Hate Machine
Rush, Glenn, Sean, and O'Rielly are the poster boys of right wing hate machine. However don't forget people like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Robert Spencer, and the entire staff of FrontPage Magazine that work behind the scenes to convince people in high places that hate is good and freedom is bad; torture is OK and accountability is bad. They are there to argue that banning Hijab and minarets will somehow make us safer and stronger.
The remake of Taking The Pelham 123 was an eye opener. It maligned the two main religions using camera angles and symbols. Hollywood churning out movie after movie with message of hate and desecration of symbols of Christianity and especially those of Islam.

Department Of Homeland Security
The most recent addition to the arsenal of hate mongering is called "home grown threats." Everybody is a suspect. anybody and everybody can be interrogated without showing just cause.

US Armed Forces
The military industrial complex that we were warned about was no hoax. It has come to fruition long time ago but more so now than ever before. They have been let loose on the world without any accountability. The tyranny they are unleashing on innocent people in far away places is making new enemies for America by the bushel. Nobody blinks an eye on murder of innocent people and chalk that all up to collateral damage. The means to that end are all too familiar: drone attacks in Pakistan, night raids in Afghanistan, torture and renditions around the globe, and special forces and sophisticated bomb attacks disguised as suicide bombings in Iran.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let There Be A Nuclear Iran

Why Is The West Afraid Of Nuclear Iran?

It's not what you think.

Why is a nuclear Iran such a huge problem for the west? This question is raised time and again and the answer is always the same. The lie about what the Ayatollah may have said about wiping Israel from the face of the earth which is not entirely a bad idea but its not something to be entertained rather seriously.

That itself is astounding. What you see in the news is reality. What you hear over and over again is reality. If you hear it long enough it becomes the truth and anybody who questions the truth must be crazy. That is the logic behind pushing the lie over and over and again. We have seen that time and again and the lie about what the ayatollah may have said is no exception. Top that with more lies by attributing that lie to the current regime in Iran. Nobody is a fan of the current regime but that is not because they are illegitimate or because we want to question what they want in nuclear know how. What they want is their inalienable right and nobody has any question about that. (except the media of course) The dislike is over the ignorance of how to handle this situation. The colourlessness goes far and wide and plagues the entire middle east. With all the money they have they could buy each and every journalist outright for life. All journalists are for sale, many for a fairly small amount of money. Many just for the opportunity to see their name in print and media. But then again, the leaders of the middle east have no clue how to go about doing that.

coming back to the issue at hand; why is the west so apprehensive about Iran acquiring nuclear know how. Nuclear bombs in Iran are a far cry because first Iran has to perfect the technology for producing, enriching etc. of Uranium. Not an easy task. It will be twenty plus years before they are anywhere close to making indigenous warheads. It took Pakistan years to do that and it required collaboration with many countries including France.

The overwhelming reason why the west is so afraid of any Muslim country getting nuclear know how is because the larger ramifications of technology acquisition and transfer. Of course this is not new technology but there are many other related technologies that come with general know how of nuclear technology. Medical, electrical, energy to name a few. This Independence is what scares the west. After the fall of Ottoman empire there was wholesale destruction of the written proof of advances made in science by Muslim scholars. Today nobody knows the advances made during that time and it is as if we started the world after the WWII and nothing existed before that. Let's look at each region/country separately and how the government and people are oppressed to keep them in check.

The Middle East: Middle East as a region includes major portion of all the Muslim countries. They are by far the most wealthy and well off. However, those, as a result or consequence, are the people least likely to advance in strategic knowledge. Saudi Arabian youths come to the US universities, get educated and go back home. However, the easy availability of cheap labors compels them to rather hire somebody to do the work than do the work themselves. They import people from the subcontinent and have them work at rates they agree or rates that market would bear. There are many American expatriates that go to Saudi Arabia, get paid really well, get housing and other allowances, and do whatever is asked of them. Other countries follow suite. The oil extracted from Middle eastern soil is bought at fraction of its real price, refined to umpteenth other uses and that technology has never passed on because of the agreement clauses and other legal mumbo jumbo.

The Indian Subcontinent: When Brits left India and divided the subcontinent into Pakistan and India, and later Bangladesh the division was such that all the factories, schools, colleges, and major universities remained in place in India. The monuments and the main places for tourist attraction were all part of India. All the major government installations and hubs were in the Indian part of the subcontinent. The rivers flow downstream to Pakistan with control of those rivers in India. At the start Pakistan was saddled with a part of its own that was thousand miles over the hostile Indian territory. All flights had to go around the Indian ocean to bypass Indian airspace. This was a huge strategic disadvantage. Imagine the burden all of that placed on a newly independent country.

Fast forward to the current situation. With all those problems inherited it's no wonder Pakistan is struggling with its economy, literacy, industry, the infrastructure etc. It is struggling against overwhelming odds that were stacked against this country right from the time of its Independence.

Africa: The poorest, the most neglected, and the most exploited continent on the face of the planet earth. From Egypt to Ghana to Zimbabwe, the odds of any country making any substantial progress are minimal at best. For centuries the Gold and Diamonds, the most precious and sought after minerals, are being extracted and the wealth of nations plundered by few large western enterprises who buy influence and never allow their dirty laundry to come out in full view. They have the local politicians on their payroll and nothing can change until all of that wealth is gone. The movie Blood Diamond was a pretty fair expose of what really happens but the core of the matter was dropped by the mainstream media promptly after the buzz about the movie died.
when you talk to anybody they will be happy to tell you and remind you that the change will have to come from inside. They will contend that people must make the change to make their country better. Then they will move to leadership gap. Then finally they will say it's the literacy or the lack thereof that's causing these problems. Although all of these factors must be considered to formulate a policy of change, they neglect to mention the most important factor: The will, the demand, and might of the superpower to keep the status quo. The superpower and its allies must not allow any substantial progress from taking place. Which brings us full circle back to Iranian nuclear issue. The main reason why American politicians through its client state of Israel want to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear know how is to prevent that country, and any other country for that matter, to acquire any sophisticated technology that may lead to Independence from it's hegemony. They know very well that it will be years, probably more like decades for Iran to develop full capability of its own to develop nuclear arsenal. However the perception that is being pushed by the very controlled media is that of imminent danger. The perception that something must be done to stop the Iranians from acquiring nuclear know how right now. It must be done now to stop them from getting handle on the technology.

At the same time name any Muslim country and along comes the list of policies in place to keep them exactly where they were about 100 years ago. There are people in high places whose only job is to make sure no progress is made in any substantial way in any of these countries. The so called think tanks are churning out policy papers that the lawmakers take as Gospel. For example, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is in danger, not from the likes of Taliban, but from US who would want to force the hands of Pakistani politicians to dismantle it and take the nuclear tips off them. The goal is to de-fang Pakistan, the one Muslim country set to and capable of making most advances in science and technology. Do they not need the nuclear plants to generate electricity? Do they not need the medical technology? Obviously not, according to the think tanks. It will be "provided" for them. It will be given to them when US wants to give it to them. As long as they are good boys and girls and do as US tell them to do we will keep providing them with what they need. One step out of line and all of that stops. Where does that leave Pakistan.

They want Iran to agree to have nuclear fuel processed elsewhere. The same doctrine as the Pakistan doctrine applies to Iran. The real purpose of this demand is to make sure if they stray out of line we will have the strings that can be pulled to bring them back in line. Iran has no choice but to go independent with its nuclear technology. Iran must develop full nuclear cycle on its own. It should conduct all the tests necessary to make sure everything is in place for next generation to take it to the next level. It will not only give them alternative to fast depleting energy sources, and the much needed medical isotopes but it will create new high end jobs, it will create national pride, and it will be good for the middle east. These are the foremost reasons to one other one: the non-proliferation treaty gives them the full rights to do what they have done so far.

The question is: is Iran willing to pay the price that it must to make that happen?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Policy: America's Pakistan Dilemma

Writing's On The Wall

Is anybody reading it
The advent of democracy in Pakistan has left many without a cause to bash Pakistan. Its not perfect but its as close its going to get for now. In the halls of congress on both sides, the House and the Senate this little advance has many looking for other ways to convince the president that Pakistan remains the rogue state it was before Musharraf was president.

They are finding that reason in the relatively new phenomenon of Pakistani Taliban. Pakistani Taliban did not exist before Afghanistan was attacked by US forces. Who created this problem for Pakistan? Could this have been handled better? Could hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of dollars have been saved if this was approached with diplomacy after the fall of Taliban and Al Kaeda or more precisely soon after a legitimate Afghan government was sworn in?

The answers to those questions is a resounding yes! But was anybody thinking?

When Taliban found themselves pushed back in Afghanistan they adapted to their worsening influence faster than the US war machine. The US war machine was still celebrating and they were looking for an outright victory without realizing what that would require. The most important thing they neglected was the fact that those who were fighting against us had not seen anything but war for last 6-7 generations. They had partners on both sides of the border for centuries plus the intimidation factor. Top that with innate hatred of an occupying force from thousands of miles away regardless of the cause or reason and you have the sure making of an insurgency whose strength can test yours any day. And since most of these people are illiterate because of the ravages of war they have no clue what is democracy and more importantly what to do with it once they have it. Alliances were formed quickly and we have the making of Pakistani Taliban. This gave them base to work from, the sympathy of a thousand and one people, and the cause to fight for yet another day. We created the Pakistani Taliban and now, years later, we are having to deal with it with money and might. Are we getting anywhere fast?

Had we known ABC of what Afghanistan is all about we would have started the negotiations with anybody and everybody right after a legitimate government was formed in Kabul. Until most recently it was legitimate. These are people of Afghanistan. It's their homeland. They must have rights, they must be given a voice in the government, they must be shown some respect as citizens. Isn't that what democracy is all about. The alternative: carpet bomb them, get rid of them and start over again. For that we needed to bring in a ruthless dictator and not democracy. Unfortunately US had nothing but revenge on their mind.

We have come to realization now that diplomacy and negotiations is the only way forward. Was there a single voice of dissent in the lead up to where we are now? If there was one it was muffled so well that nobody could hear it. Being stubborn and stupid, being in the clutches of the war machine that controls Washington, being power drunk for so many years, and being lame duck for last two years of his presidency was no help for Bush to not come up with diplomacy. There is no surprise there.

Although the negotiations are going on, not enough legitimacy is being given to these negotiations. A lower level operative from state department is assigned to look after this issue. The operative is at such a low level that we don't know his/her name. In the meantime we are preparing for an offensive with hundreds of thousands of more Afghan citizens displaced from their homes, pushed out to Pakistan and other places, exacerbating an already acute problem to and emergency.

Americans need to realize that there is no military solution to this problem. Forty thousand, fifty thousand or hundred thousand troops are not going to matter. The victory, if they get any, will be temporary and short lived, a la Iraq. They need to realize that negotiations is the only way to resolve this issue. Pashtun, shias, the Tajiks, the Pathans, and the rest of the ethnicities that make up Afghanistan must be given their rights and representations. Without doing that there will never be a solution and Afghanistan will be the failed state that it is for last 50 or so years.

The Indian power play for the supremacy over Pakistan from both sides needs to be mitigated. This has been an issue that has never been addressed and never been brought to the fore for any discussion. India's hand in the continued destabilization of Afghanistan is something that has been kept muffled and under the cover for last several years. The foothold that Indians want in Afghanistan to be able to checkmate Pakistan is something that is promoted and discussed behind closed doors only at the highest levels within Washington and Delhi. Anybody denying that have absolutely no clue about the reality on the ground. One clue for the uninitiated: look up the number of Indian consulates across Afghanistan. They are not there for no reason.

Once there is negotiated settlement with various ethnicities within Afghanistan the Pakistani Taliban will disappear overnight. Pakistani people are tired of murder and bloodshed. They are tired of uncertainty. They are tired of being blamed for every problem in the sub-continent. They are tired of their politicians raking in money given to them from both sides, the Taliban and Washington. They are tired of seeing the future of their kids blown away by drones and the mercenaries of Blackwater. Pakistani people want the progress they have seen after the opening up of media during the Musharraf years. They want the same luxuries the rest of the world have. They want to do an honest day's work, and spend time with their families. Will America allow that to happen?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Analysis: Picture Worth A Thousand Words

Jimmy Carter knows how not to work the media. He's been out of the limelight ever since his appearance at Brandeis University to talk about his book with controversial comments in his book Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid to aspiring jewish politicians at that ivy league college. The parting shots or lack thereof were dignified though. For others media has been less merciful including their beloved Bush.

During the last days of lame duck 43rd president of the United States some of the expressions were priceless. Of course the Monkey mouth Bush was pretty popular among his detractors. But mostly his picture with a finger pointing in the air, hand gesture that is totally out of place, and other similar photographs started to show up approximately during the last two years of his presidency.

For Obama on the other hand, its little bit of a stretch to see unflattering pictures with finger stretched out or face making the letter O to cheer the crowd up or something like that have started to show up more and more often. So why is that significant you ask.

In the American culture people usually don't talk much with their hands. Italians and some other Europeans do that. Of course Arabs and pretty much all Muslims do talk with their hands slightly less than they do otherwise. Cultures are different and in some places it is acceptable and perfectly normal to use hands and gestures while in others it is not. In America it's considered rather rude to flail your hand and point fingers while talking because everything has a name and when you talk you are expected to be precise by using language instead of gestures. If you want to give somebody direction in Afghanistan you would see people pointing to a direction while they tell you where to go, but not here because you are expected to be more precise. That is why the question: why are these pictures showing up and why now.

Of course media is well aware of this little idiosyncrasy about the hand gestures and they play it to the hilt to their advantage. If you are a careful observer you may have noticed that every time they want to show anybody that they talk negative about they have a pictures with some hand movement in place. Curiously enough what Arab or Muslim politician is there that they don't talk negative about since its their favorite pastime. Pictures of Muqtada-Al-Sadr with his finger in the air is embedded in our psyche. Iranian president always shows up with hands in the air, finger pointing everywhere. Still other times he is shown with hand stretched that looks like he is saluting somebody but its not exactly too becoming or flattering for him.

All of that is part of the propaganda and the media's war against anybody they dislike. But why would anybody dislike Obama. He is charming, dashing, eloquent, and very leaderlike. Yet, so early and so quickly, the charm has worn off?, The eloquence has given way to lingering questions? The leadership is being questioned? He almost split GOP in the middle during the last session with them. If he can do few more of those question/answer sessions maybe it will help change the tone of the pictures that have started to show up lately.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mr. President, Welcome To The New Roman Empire

The Gladiator And The Lions - The Lions Must Win
When Obama came to town as the new Sheriff he promised Americans a new deal. A new promise of hope. A new promise of reconciliation with the rest of the world. Not to further a cause of his own but to improve the image of America. He promised to remove the old tyrannical face and replace it with a hand extended out for reconciliation.

The whole thing lasted about 3 months or so and then, maybe he had a meeting with Dick, and it all fell apart. No promise kept, no hope agenda left to talk about, all gone, poof, disappeared in thin air. All we have left is legacy of the tyranny of Bush.

So it's no surprise that when it comes to dealings with Iran on any issue whatsoever the tone of the message is exactly the same as it was during the 8 of the lousiest years in the history of the US. The message is the same as it was then. The message was coming from State Department then and not from the White House. The message is still coming from the State Department and not coming directly from the White House. It's the same song and dance: get down on your knees and kiss our ass and if you don't kiss our ass we will kick your ass.

Reconciliation sheconciliation! We are gearing for one outcome and that is first the sanctions while we get ready, while we pull the wool over the world's eyes, while we grab all the money from Gulf states selling them worthless arms that they don't know how to use, while we lie to the world that we are doing all we can to reach a deal and then when all of that is done to our satisfaction we bomb them after all. It does not matter what they say or do, it does not matter how much they give, it does not matter what amount of their lawful rights they give up in the process, the outcome will remain the same. We have seen that happen to Palestinians too. No matter how much they give in, they have to give more. There is always one more condition they must meet before any single thing can happen. Remember this is the agenda coming from State Department.

It's all reminiscent of the age old game of gladiators vs the lions in the arena of a Roman empire. The king and the king's subjects must see the blood of the gladiator. It's what they have paid for. Gladiator must die. It's the only way they are going to get their money's worth. It's the only way they could lure the subjects back for the next show. It had to be a predetermined outcome, it was blood lust. If a gladiator was too strong they took his weapons away, then they tied his hands, then the blindfolded him. The gladiator must die. History repeats itself.

Hello Mr. Obama, welcome to the new Roman Empire.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Is It Time For Nations To Get Out Of United Nations Organization

What Have You Done For Me Lately

What exactly does a country like Pakistan gain from membership in UNO. Of course there are the refugee affairs, program for kids under UNICEF, food distribution, health organizations, help with education, and several other programs that provide money for some UN related efforts in the form of subsidies. However, for country like Pakistan where corruption is rife and nothing happens without first getting the right people paid off, these programs only work to line the pockets of select few. In addition to that just by nature and since nobody has the time to implement them correctly these programs perpetuate and spawn more corruption. The cycle never ends. These programs hardly ever benefit any of the intended recipients. Most of these programs can be replaced by myriad of other organizations and NGOs that can bring in their own people and cut out the corrupt individuals that are stopping the aid from getting to the most deserving.

How about a country like Malaysia? What exactly is the benefit that they are receiving from UN. None that is apparent. They have a reasonably strong and stable economy. Their enemies are few and there is no real threat to it's security, except for the superpowers.

The UNO sanctioned and administered Oil For Food program during the American imposed sanctions on Iraq had the corruption going at the highest level. There were at least 2,200 companies involved in this scheme to bilk 1.8 billion dollars from this humanitarian operation. It takes a lot of planning, a systemic rule breaking, and inherent corrupt practices to combine together people and places to continue to do business for illegitimate gains. Indeed the corruption reached as high as the former French Ambassador to UN, Daimler-Chrysler Corporation, and other highly placed officials from the west to the east. All told, according to the UN report put out after the inquiry headed by Paul Volker the former treasury secretary under Clinton, there were 66 nations involved in this corruption scheme. This is only one example and one that was discovered after more than 8 years of unabated illegal operations.

Is the UN hurting and harming or is it a benign organization for the good of the humanity?
Is it time for many of the smaller and powerless countries to get out of UN?

As it stands UN with its membership of majority of the countries of the word is being used as a tool for destruction and for hegemony of America and its closest allies. Iran's troubles with pressure from UN has been going on for years. The same agency makes the rules and then turn around and break them with impunity to punish whom they please or whom they don't like. Kashmir issue has been lingering for more than 50 years with no solution in sight. Israel has broken more UN resolutions than any other country in the history of the organization but everybody, including the security council turns a blind eye. The people that have been hit the worst are the people that needed this body the most. Unfortunately the only reason UNO exists now is to benefit the superpower and its allies.

It is definitely time for nations, one by one, to leave the UNO. Libya, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia could lead the charge and rest can follow. Once the exodus starts it might just compel some countries, to preserve their own power to allow some concessions, allow some third world countries to be part of the core security council with veto power, and they might thing twice before passing another resolution benefiting the jewish state at the expense of rest of the world.

Anything short of that, and if the status quo remains, the smaller countries must leave UN to break this American hegemony on the security council and to take back the sovereignty of their own country.