Sunday, January 31, 2010

US-China Rift: An Inside Job

Who Is Really Incharge Here?

US has pledged to sell 6.4 billion dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan in a quid-pro-quo to china for muscling Chinese government to agree to sanctions on Iran. While China fumes and makes vieled threats of retaliation there is very little that it can do to prevent this sale from going through. In addition, when the time comes they will also agree to additional sanctions against Iran. This has been going on for sometimes now and this is not a sale that was not anticipated. However there are other policy issues beyond the weapons sale.

Most importantly, this is not one of President Obama's policy but an inside job from the state department. The state department is totally out of Obama's control. Unfortunately Obama does not know the first thing as to what is happenning or what is going to happen when it comes to making or implementing US foreign policy. Obama is being kept occipied with the smaller domestic issues of relatively minor import while the all important and far reaching decisionsa re being made at a different level within and outside the state department. Even Hillary Clinton is out of the loop.

As a backdrop to the foriegn policy running amock, Obama, through his AG should assign a special prosecutor to investigate the hiring/firing policies at the state department. Just like the news business, the movie business, and the jewelery business the hiring and firing at the state department is very much controlled. Who gets hired and gets what assignment is strictly an inside job and only few people know the inner working of hiring process. The hiring process is not transparent. How can you explain the currnte makeup of policy makers, the under secretaries, the foreign operatives, and the rest of the gang at the state department. Who reallyl hires people and what is the process, if any, they follow to provide equal opportunity to all candidates.

Eric holder has been out of the news since he announced his resolve to prosecute those who ordered and facilitated torture at Guantanamo, Abu Gharib and other places. Does he have the appetite to take on more of what State departments is doing behind the President's back? Very unlikely.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Opinion: No Way Out

Can We Win In Afghanistan?

The answer depends on what we will take for a win. If winning means a stable Afghanistan in the image of America then go ahead and dream on. If you think that winning means leaving a reasonably stable country with some modicum of government that can defend itself and make alliances with opposition then there is some hope.

Winning outright would require us to send thousands upon thousands of soldiers. We are talking about in tune of half a million soldiers. We we even have that many soldiers? It would mean wiping off huge population of Afghanistan. It would mean wholesale massacre like what we did to the native Americans.

Allowing for alliances to form we have to recognize people for what they are. We are not capable to doing that. When you are the president of the United States and you see the floating city we call air craft carrier, and then he finds out we have several of those it can get to his/her head real quick. We have the best of everything. An air force that has no equal in the skies. All of these things are good to make you power drunk. Its easy then to want outright victory even at the expense of wiping out half the population of any given country because you think you can, because you can not think of any challenges in your way, you can not think of anything to stop you from doing that.

Allowing for Alliances is the only way to go if we are going to come out ahead in Afghanistan. One man's terrorist is another person's hero. Think what you will but you will have to come to terms with that reality. There is nothing wrong with negotiating with anybody who wants to make peace. Currently America is perceived to be on the run. As long as that perception does not change the enemy will continue to fight back, a low level insurgency. But look at what its doing to us. Billions of dollars gone in the air, with more billions required just to sustain and keep the status quo. The Indigent Afghainis are not going anywhere. They can't go anywhere. They are all on the watch list and nobody to get them on board like the well connected Nigerian guy!

Sooner we allow for alliances to be made sooner we can put this fiasco behind us.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blair: I believed 45-minute weapons claim 'beyond doubt'

Headine: Blair: I believed 45-minute weapons claim 'beyond doubt'

How stupid do you have to be to believe a claim like this?

Can you claim stupidity and get away with murder?

Those are the questions the Chilcot inquiry WILL NOT be asking Tony. Those are the questions that are most important. And those are the questions the public is asking but not getting the answer to.

Consider this:
You are a world class leader. (according to some) You have access to information that an ordinary citizen can not even imagine. You have your people that are specialists in their field of work. You have people whose only job is to not only keep you updated but also give you the entire picture. You have access to other world leaders that you can consult with.

You have been entrusted with the integrity of your country, most of whose people are civilized and educated people. You have access to exact information as to what is going on at the street level in your country and around the world. You know that you have just seen the largest street protest organized in the history of the country, both in number of protesters and the intensity of the protests.

You have one of the country you call your friend who is part of your military alliance opposing you with all its might. You have people at highest places from a friendly country opposing your views. You have people from all around the world opposing your view. You have people that have always agreed with you in the past but diagreeing with you now.

Most importantly you have lives of thousands of people in the balance, you have sovreighnty of a country in the balance, and you have your own experts telling the whole world you are wrong.
Despite all of these things you go ahead with one of the most stupid decisions of your political career? Is it just stupidity or an agenda.

Tony is stupid or still towing an agenda. The Chilcot inquiry is not only a judgement on Tony but it is also a verdict on George and Dick.

Today Tony is claiming stupidity and ignorance to prove himself right. He would do anything and everything including claiming to be stupid in the eyes of the world to prove he has no blood on his hands. Could anybody else have gotten away with such claims? Not surprisingly, when it comes to leaders of other countries even the indirect involvement gets you killed by a drone attack let alone taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and then claim stupidity and ignorance and get away with it. Is Tony a simpleton who would do anything that other people would tell him to do? At what point stupidity turns into murder and crimes against humanity?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Human Rights Group: Hamas Targeted Civilians

Defending one's land and people is hardly a crime

When you accuse Hamas of targeting Israeli civilians you are playing in the hands of murdering zi0nists, killing settlers, and crooked izra-eeli politicians.

The context is simple. First of all, Hamas is defending themselves and millions of civilians that they are responsible for. Just because the sold out American politicians say Hamas people are terrorists does not make them so. In addition to that do they have any sophisticated weaponry to target "anybody?" No they do not. They have to defend themselves with what they have and it's not much. The lack of accuracy on the part of the archaic weapons they have is not same as targeting civilians.

You are wrong. You are dead wrong with your assessment. The news media is going to make political hay out of this misguided report and accuse them of everything under the sun which is going to mitigate the atrocities the IDF and izra-eelis are perpetrating against civilians living in Gaza.

Shame on you Human Rights Watch.

Just Skip The Headlines

They are all lies and misinformation

I have been doing some non-scientific research lately. On my own. No mega funding, no celebrity endorsements, no big time media moguls involved in the process. That could be good or bad. First the bad part. I will not get the notoriety that my research deserves. I will not get famous for doing this research. I will not be called by NPR or the likes of them for a feature show. It will just sit there for anybody who just happens to pass by my post. Just a chance lookup of the "next blog."

Now the good part. It will be fair; as fair as it can be with one person’s opinion. There will be no spin other than my own. In today’s media for me those are invaluable traits. Those things do not exist anywhere, no exception. Let me repeat that: no exception. Are you getting my point yet.
The premise is simple. At for now once a day, usually in the morning after I wake up with cheap coffee and morning rituals I log on to the computer and look at the news. I have selected four news sites. Two (they call themselves) independent and two news aggregators as follow:

I look at the headlines and take screen shots. Just the headlines and the little blurb attached to each headline in the case of the news aggregators. No detailed article listing for who knows what slander lurks inside. Sometimes, depending on how busy the site is I may take two screen shots of the same site by scrolling down to get additional headlines and topics of interest. If I did not do that I believe that the outcome will be more non-scientific than it has to be.
I have started the process since the beginning of the year. I have the screen shots of everyday for all four sites.

Can you guess the rest of my article? If you don’t want to guess or maybe you are eager to get my spin and if so then please read on. Otherwise I know you have better things to do.
The story broke on Christmas day. How timely is that. People are off work, they have all the time in the world to surf the web. They are feeling somewhat religious, but definitely more than other time. And wham bham!!!! Some guy wants to blow up a plane. It could not have happened at more opportune time, now could it? It’s a boon for the news media, match made in heaven. Any other clichés I can use. I’ll spare you.

The results of my non-scientific research so far:

Everyday without fail, the top of the news is nothing but more bad news, related stories that rehashed, the stories that are made up to look new. Lies, lies, and more lies.

The word on the street is that this guy tried to get on the plane without a passport. He was successful in doing so from one port to another, then board the plane once more, without the passport and head to Detroit. Really? So is it security failure or a planned activity.
His father tells CIA his son is mixed up in things he should not be and nobody takes notice. Was that by design or just an overlook on the part of the CIA. What transpired at the terminal to bypass all the checks. Once again one is forced to conclude that there might be some collusion on the part of some inside people to get this guy on the plane.

The timing, the circumstance, the details. I for one don’t believe any of this. But the aftermath is equally disturbing. It’s the relentless crusade on anything Islamic, anybody Muslim, anything and anybody from Muslim world. All part of the plan. In the meantime the Patriot Act was up for renewal at the start of the year. There were concerned senators that had made the case to make amends for many wrongs that were perpetrated by previous administration. I have yet to see any debate on that issue. It’s a real issue that is of concern and should be of concern to ordinary citizen.

There was the promise of closing the notorious torture heaven called Guantanamo Bay, USA, prison. I saw a news article specifically talking about people being released from Guantanamo Bay and involved in terror activities. The article had no names, no references, no specifics. It was a made for news article from Associated Press to convey a point. No debate is going on regarding that promise. This was a promise because of which many voters went to polls and voted for democrats. Yesterday the promised deadline passed without any serious action or lack therof and any serious consequences. There were no articles in the New York Times, nothing on the CNN, no mention of this in the first State Of The Union speech last night. There are approximately half of the detainees approved to be sent to their home countries but no real dates set for them to be realeased. Any little thing can delay the whole process of overdue justicebeing served.

The wholesale derailment and hijacking of Obama’s entire agenda (read our earlier article) is a foot note because news media is too busy concocting stories on how Muslims are out to get America, left, right, and center.

For an ordinary person it's difficult to tell what is the truth and where the lies begin. It's one thing if the facts are presented as they may be. Good, bad, or ugly. The problem lies when there is the spin from the sources that are suppose to give you the facts. Most people do not have the time to dig the truth and so whatever is displayed on the screen becomes the truth. Therein lies the great rewards for the media. When a dog is rewarded for barking, it continues to do so; it increases its barking for more food and more treats.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Opinion: Advantures Of Ms P

Some years ago I came across somebody who, for the sake of brevity and confidentiality, we would call Ms P. She had a nice personality, she was great to look at, a nice body to spare, and for most part she was easy to get along with. Or so I thought. At times I thought she was bipolar.

We were doing video projects together, projects that we thought was going to one day make us world famous. We got along superbly. Maybe it was too good to be true and I should have gotten a clue early on. We got together to work on these project and since there were other people involved in the process, they began to think we were an item. Unbeknownst to me she actually thought we could be an item. Long story short, we met many times over the course of 6 or so months and one thing led to another and before I know it she convinced me that all I really wanted to do was to get on with her. Yes, like any man’s man I dreamed of her, thought of her, and even made love to her without her being there. Eventually it did happen which is where the story really begins. Or perhaps it’s where it ends.

One day we were chilling and she told me she was going to get something to drink. This should have been my first clue. But unfortunately not for me. I had to learn the hard way. All she wanted to get for drink was hot water. Hot water? That was the first time I had ever seen anybody take water, heat it up in the microwave and sip it like a cup of coffee. It took me years to get over that one. I am still not quite over that one.

Next came one of the projects. We lived this morbid project for many months and granted there were many many interesting moments but the stigma of the whole project was something similar to an actor being cast in the first role and the possibility of it staying with that type of role for his/her entire career. The project was about Suicide prevention and how these two women were part of the American Suicide Prevention Association etc. etc. It was downhill from there.
The next project came along and it was about the Bundt. Is that how you say it? Well it was about the Nazi chasing the jews all over the world and how these people had ended up in, of all places somewhere in CT. That is when I had to put a stop to the morbidity of the whole thing. No more projects.

Unfortunately, or otherwise, in the meantime we have developed a certain type of friendship and we have gotten into a routine of things like sex, dinners, conversations, going places together, and just being pals. During all this time we would come up with things to talk about but invariably the conversation somehow would always turn to, of all subjects, the age old topic that gets renewed every five seconds, of none other than the Holocaust. Holocaust Shmolocaust. There, I have said it! I have been waiting to say that for ever and ever. So I did some research and I found a whole industry around this one subject that is embedded in the psyche of all jews the world over. It seems like the first words any newborn jew hears is to remember holocaust. Then the entire life is set on a path of morbidity and victim mentality. Normally I would have no issue with any particular subject, morbid or otherwise, but this was different.

So the idea of living this holocaust thing over and over and over and making this a major part of one’s life was intriguing. Of course there are events around this that would surely not go away in my life time. The museums in every major or non-major city of US depicting the horrors of holocaust over and over are an industry unto themselves. Worse things have happened in the history of the world, both in magnitude and importance. One would ask why is that such a problem? The problem is with this victim mentality and the web that is woven around that victim mentality. It seems like the entire world is being held hostage to this phenomenon and lives are being lost in the process. Irony of all ironies: holocaust is, in and of itself, justification for countless killings and murder. Imagine that. Holocaust and its countless memoriam that go on in some form of fashion just about every day should be a lesson to not perpetrate the same atrocities on anybody else. It should be the lessons learned on how to protect life. It could have been the event to end all wars. On the contrary, countless people have died in the name of security for the jews murdered by the jews themselves. I heard this many years ago when I had no clue what holocaust was all about. Somebody told me Hitler was a bad man and asked why and he said because he killed all the good jews. Thinking back and looking at the current events that rings so very true.

One can do whatever they like with their life. That’s their prerogative. They can live in morbid curiosity of the holocaust, create monuments for the dead, and collect money to do whatever they want in the name of holocaust, and the list goes on. Yet, here is the worst that has happened due to this obsession with holocaust and the industry around it. America has been hijacked. American values have been hijacked. The one country that was supposed to stand for truth and justice for all people of the world is no more. This is by all accounts the worst tragedy in the history of the world. In the name of holocaust they are denying life and liberty to millions. In the name of holocaust they are killing and murdering people without giving life a second thought. In the name of holocaust they raise money and buy politicians to continue with the killing and murdering. America and Americans stand silent and let these people commit these atrocities without giving it a second thought, without realizing the impact its having on what it is to be American. We are devaluing the country and its values in the eyes of the world and as such there is not one country left that would defend the tyranny anymore.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Article: Why Do Muslim Women Wear Hijab

One thing that have always been amazing is the lack of apathy when it comes to any issue related to Muslim women. One of these is the issue of Hijab. What we hear all the time in the news media is the anti-hijab bias. What is even more interesting is that nobody ever, ever asks a woman the simple question: Why does she wear hijab.

This is a series or articles with that question posed to random women who were seen wearing hijab. Why does she wear hijab. Here is one post verbatim. There are no changes made from the original response. The goal here is to present multiple responses over period of time and as the entries trickle in they will be presented with minimal change. Any change will be strictly for the purpose of brevity and/or severe grammatical problems. (if any)

This is a beautifully written response and I found it to be genuine and representative of thousands of women that practice wearing Hijab despite the hatred and negative connotation attached to it. This piece makes it very obvious that the distorted view given to us by the media is nowhere close to reality. Read for yourself and leave your comments.

This is the response in full without any changes:

I started wearing the Islamic headscarf --the "hijab," as it's transliterated from Arabic-- about a year and a half ago, as an act of modesty for my religion, Islam. The hijab is a symbol of modesty. Women have complained that they would rather be appreciated for reasons other than their physical appearance; Islam has a solution for that: modesty. The hijab is not directly mandated by Islam; it's merely choice. In the Qur'an, it is stated that no Islamic belief should be forced on an individual. The hijab does not make women inferior; it's a solution for women who want their minds to be stronger than their appearance. The head scarf wasn't even something new introduced by Islam. You're forgetting that, a few centuries ago, women covered their heads when they went outside. True, in this day and age, common people don't cover their heads anymore. In Islam, if something is hard to do, you don't have to do it. If a woman feels inferior wearing the headscarf, or has been assaulted for it, they don't have to wear it. By wearing the hijab you're not succumbing to anything except God's teaching; in fact, when wearing the hijab, you're not succumbing to the desire to show off yourself to everybody. The way I see it, men don't have to show off their looks to get things they want, but some women do. In that case, whose inferior there? The hijab is not a foreign influence. You've probably seen several Americans wearing the headscarf too; they just look Arab (I know this for sure, since my uncle married an American woman who wears the hijab now; she is often mistaken for an Arab).

I was born and raised in the United States, and almost none of my relatives --even the ones who live in Pakistan-- wear the hijab, apart from my mother, who actually started wearing it when she came the U.S. thirty years ago. None of my relatives really supported my decision to wear the headscarf. My own parents were almost shocked when I started wearing it. They've constantly reminded me that I don't have to do it. Even though they're happy with it, they think --and in this case, I hope they're wrong-- that I might stop in a few years. They know it's probably hard to wear it in America, but honestly it hasn't been that hard. I've been able to talk to people as easily as before. It's like I get to choose who to speak to now; most people who approach me are open-minded, kind, and non-judgmental: the type of people I'd like to be friends with. Generally, people don't initially approach me as often as before, but now I get to choose who approaches me by talking with them first. I do get glared at by strangers sometimes, and most people don't look at me in the eye anymore. However, I know they've been ill-informed by the media. Sometimes I do feel a pressure to always do the right thing. If I'm not constantly behaved at all times, or if I accidentally say something rude or offensive, there are people who would have a bad impression of Muslims because they saw one who wasn't perfect. After all, they have a bad impression from the "Muslims" they see on TV who do explicitly forbidden things. Extremism is forbidden in Islam...but that's another topic. The constant, reasonably good behavior has made me, undeniably, a much better person.

The hijab isn't a sign of extremism; it's really just an item of clothing to put, but on your head. And by the way, I've never, ever heard of someone getting heat stroke because of wearing the hijab (though if you get to that state, you really should take it off). In Saudi Arabia, men also cover their head to keep them safe from heat when they go out, and Saudi Arabia is mostly desert. Wearing the hijab does not signify extremism. Islam doesn't call for women who wear the hijab to necessarily be as religious or even as modest as nuns are. True, there are ways to be modest and restrain themselves from wrong things without wearing the headscarf, and I commend people who can do that. For me, the hijab is a reminder to act appropriately, and it's definitely saved me from making many wrong decisions I would definitely regret. I don't mind others --my friends included-- being immodest or immoral, because I would have been like that if I didn't really know about Islam. Every person I meet who treats me with respect --like a normal person-- surprises me, because I generally expect people to have the bad image of Muslims that the media and extreme "Islamic" groups feed them. Neither do I have any deference for people who glare at me, because I know they don't really know what I --and other Muslims-- believe in. And I know, that if I wasn't Muslim, I would probably treat Muslims like they do.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bin Laden Spotted at Pentagon?

Bin Laden is alive and well, chilling in the basement of Pentagon in Langley Virginia. His room number is B3-S55A3-c. That, for you Pentagon newbies, is located in Basement 3, South Wing 55, Office Type is A which means top security clearance is required, and 3 is the size of the office, being a medium sized office. the "-c" is for no cameras allowed under any circumstances, regardless of the security clearance. Amazingly enough though, this is the same room where one of the clandestine Audio-Visual lab is located. Coincidence? Hardly.

When Bin Laden first came on the scence his tape recording was heard on many TV stations. These were feeds from Al-Jazeera. You remember Al-Jazeera, the friendly network that provided lots of propaganda material after the 9/11 fiasco. Truth remains murky at best. It's the same TV station that later tried to start an English broadcasting service but that effort went nowhere because no American cable company would carry their broadcast. Certainly not because it was not going to be profitable. The word is that the directives not to carry Al-Jazeera came directly from the top, from people like George and Dick. They could not agree on how much they can control on what goes in and what stays out. The people at Al-Jazeera would not relinquish that control over to the same set of people that determine what goes in or stays out at Associated press. Rest is history.

Back to Bin Laden tapes. The voice on the recording was distinct and one that was authenticated at the behest of CIA. As events unfolded and Bin Laden's presence became more scarce the voice on the recording changed. Changed about 180 degrees if there is a measure like that for voice. The change was apparent to layperson, but only those who actually paid any attention. Therein lies the problem. The ordinary viewer of the six o'clock news have absolutely no clue and does not care if the voice is same or different. How many of them even remember the airing of Bin Laden's voice few days after 9/11 and any subsequent airing of the purported tapes that pop up at the most convenient times? Can any of those viewers tell where Afghanistan is on the map. Do they know which continent England is located in? Do they know who is the senator from their state? Clueless people being fed lies and agenda of hatred and then given the potent weapon of a vote. That is a dangerous combination.

Bin Laden will never die. Not as long as this so called war on terrorism continues and is in the interst of US for it to continue. He will never die as long as the funding of the lab at B3-S55A3-c can be secured. There are very little doubts that the funding will stop anytime soon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You Can Kiss Their A$$ Now - Again

They just got done with the Golden Globe Awards. Here comes the Screen Guild Awards. This all in anticipation of the big awards: The Oscars which will be sometimes in March. Lot of kissing A$$ going on within an industry that keeps everything on the inside. The whole movie industry is insidious and feeds on its own. Hundred years and the same set of people are making millions without having to pay a dime in taxes. Ever heard of any movie making any money other than what it takes in at the box office?

Have you ever wondered what are all those names that you see rolling by at the start of any movie. Yes, they are a ponzi scheme to keep the profits on the inside. The age old cliche: You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. From the accountants to distribution to delivery and transportation, all done by the people on the inside. How did Slum dog millionaire won any awards last year is anybody's guess. Perhaps it's just as well so that they can have at least one example to show any critic. Just one.

Last 50 or so years have seen one holocaust related movie after another win the awards of one kind or another. If its not about something j3wish then it will not win the award. Casablanca to modern day Reader, all are prime examples of a sure formula for winning at the Oscars.
Can anybody enter the movie business and legitimately compete?

Note: Currently study is underway to list all award winning movies and the subject matter of the movie. Any guesses for the one overwhelmingly dominant subject that garners a node for an Oscar? Please leave us a note.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

"You know how they're going to come at you?"

Tom Hagen: You know how they're going to come at you?

Michael: They want to arrange a meeting between me and Barzini. On Tessio's ground. Where I'll be safe. [Hagen is silent for a long moment]

Tom Hagen: Tessio. I always thought it would be Clemenza.

Michael: It's the smart move. Tessio was always smarter.

The movie Godfather is a classic that has so many lines that imitate real life. you can not but love that movie just because you can use those lines almost everyday especially when it comes to politics.

So do you know how they are going to come at you?

The history repeats itself. We are reliving 8 years of George and Dick. The fiasco on Christmas day was a planned activity. There were many of those during the 8 years of George's presidency. Then in the later years the momentum shifted to Europe. We are seeing those same tactics now. Britain just heightened the security alert to the highest alert. India is putting air marshals on their flights. So where is the CIA and FBI going to strike next? That is any body's guess at this point but nobody will be too surprised if something was to happen in next few weeks.

Of course the midterm elections are coming and Republicans candidates are going to need all the help they can get from FBI and CIA. Remember both of these agencies are still under the spell of old George era holdouts. Also towards the end of his presidency George planted moles inside these agencies to create the affect the shadow government.

So where are they going to strike next? Make your comments and guesses now.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Curious Case Of Aafia Siddiqui

Everyday passes by and the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui gets little more complicated. You can get all the details of her case here and you have to do lot more research and diligent work to know the real story and that is where most of the interest lies.

From all the stories swirling around, some made up, others only half truth because nobody has been able to talk to one person that may know the whole truth, and that is Aafia Siddiqui. Those who have talked to her are only interested in making up what serves them to whatever end they are working on.

So where does that leave ordinary citizen that might be interested in the truth? The truth may never come out because there are too many people that don't want the truth to come out. There are too many people that want to make hay at the expense of this one woman.

The long awaited trial of this woman who has gone through hell and back many times over is underway in New York. Read our article When Circus came to town. The trial is being controlled and manipulated on the outset. Judge Berman, the presiding judge has ordered to have a metal detector installed in his court. That part is understood. What is much worse is that you have to not only show ID (which is also OK) but you have to have your address and other information recorded before you are allowed in the court gallery to be part of the proceedings.

This requirement has the desired affect. The courtroom was full the first day of the trial but hardly anybody showed up on the second or the third day. This is tragedy because as a human being the woman needs all the support she can get. Besides the dehumanizing strip searches while the guards snicker and have jolly good time with anal probing etc. this woman has not been allowed to see any of her immediate family members, and nobody else is allowed to visit her, lest any part of truth may come out.

This is an open and shut case. The glaring contradictions in testimony will be overlooked and she will be sentenced to 100+ years to life in some prison for something that can never be proved definitively.

Aafia Siddiqui Trial Day One
Aafia Siddiqui Trial Day two
Aafia Siddiqui Trial Day three

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama's First Year

Obama's first year in the office is turning out to be a huge disappointment. The wingnuts are celebrating and dancing in the streets while full of glee. Some of the democrats are stunned, others are cautiously optimistic that it may just wake some people up from their slumber and maybe, just maybe, things will get better for the long run. The real losers however are the American people. They know what they voted for. They also know that it was possible for Obama to deliver on the promise. But most of all, they know that its the collusion of media and a small but vocal minority that has hijacked Obama's agenda. However, the problem is most of these people are totally helpless when it comes to the influence of the media over the politicians. Most of them don't even understand it. Majority of them don't know where to start on tackling the problem. With all the blogs and all the twittering you would think people would actually have some power that is brutally usurped by the big media. Not so. The control remains with the big boys and they are not about to relinquish it anytime soon.

So what exactly is it that Obama needs to do to get his presidency back. He still has time but it's running out on him fast. He has few options if he stays the course. The changes have to be swift and decisive. He must take action before he gets to the point of no return. A point of no return is beyond the mid-term elections. If no drastic measures are taken to save this sinking ship it will be too late and he will be a lame duck long before his time.

He must stop pandering to the fear mongers. The Christmas day airline fiasco was a planned event. It was orchestrated at very high levels of several governments. Delta Airlines was a willing player. Obama must stop the fear mongering tactics implemented by the remnants of the previous administrations. The FBI, the CIA, and the DHS, all have people that are staunch supporters of George and Dick. They would still do anything for their old bosses, including orchestrating a spectacular show of force on Christmas day. Keep in mind many of these people don't celebrate Christmas so they have all the time in the world to plan something like this.

Obama must replace his chief of Staff. The current occupant of that office is an old hand at back stabbing and he is a snake, and no less. The nature of snake is to bite, friend or a foe. It's the nature of the snake and can not help it. This guy has no loyalty to America. As long as Obama has him as his chief of staff he will not be able to accomplish anything. On top of that, the blame of everything and anything will fall on Obama regardless of the actors involved. That is how the current chief of staff's training is. We all know where he got his training. The buck stops at Obama and nobody else will take any responsibility. Nobody has to because it's a setup. Its an exit strategy. Do you know who our Secretary of State is? Nobody seems to know that. The American foreign policy is currently outsourced like millions of our jobs, manufacturing, and everything else. Obama should take the reigns of foreign policy in his own hands and do some of the things that he promised during several of his speeches.

He must treat friends as friends. At this time we have no friends on account of the fact that our foreign policy has not changed from where it was a year ago. The thuggery, at the hands of under secretaries at the state department, continues. The hope of change that many people across the globe saw and hoped for based on the campaign promises is dissipating fast. People across the globe are realizing that George and Dick are still running the country. The ill conceived war on terror continues. Guantanamo bay prison is flourishing, Bagram is as torturous as ever. Looting of Iraqi oil continues. People that have committed heinous crimes, war crimes, are getting away on technicalities. US treasury is being looted in the name of bailout. There is no transparency anywhere.

The false reporting of rosy economic situation must stop now. The truth comes out sooner or later, usually the following day. Jobs, better pay, stability of the stock market, improvement in the housing market, availability of credit for businesses and for buying houses are some of the things people look at. The proof is in the pudding. When people are getting fired at the same rate others are getting hired, albeit at lower pay rates, the change people want to see is not forthcoming and so nothing is going to change. Perception is reality for most. Americans are stupid when it comes to foreign policy but not when it comes to their own pockets and prosperity.

Stop the expansion of wars. Yemen is a threat created to checkmate Saudis. For what reason, is beyond anybody's guess. The sophisticated weaponry the rebels have is not coming from Iran. Iran does not have those kinds of weapons to export. In addition currently their hands are tied up with problems at home mostly of their own making. Whatever happened to all the training and weapons that Saudis bought and paid premium price for? Whatever happened to the tactical support the "allies" were going to provide to Saudi government in case they needed it.

Sooner some or all of these measures are put in place sooner there is a chance of recovery for Obama's presidency.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Activist: Watch Out For IDF Stealing Organs In Haiti

Read the full article here

Agenda Hijacked


"President Obama Praised for Sticking to American Values on Counter-Terrorism"

What exactly are the American Values on Counter Terrorism? Are you referring to the ones set by George and Dick. The draconian laws taken right from third world countries and Russian KGB workbook? Those vlues. Since when have they become American?

Security and well being is paramount however it works counter to the American values when the threat is used to single out a particular religion and the people that practice it. When a person kills and he/she happens to belong a particular religion the religion itslef becomes part of the problem whereas under any other circumstances the religion is of no consequence. Does the attrocities being committed in West Bank and Gaza by IDF not religion based? Is usurping of land at the hands of settlers backed by Izraeeli goverment and blessed by its hightest court not religion based?

Why the double standards? Why the hypocracy?

President Obama's first year in the office has been hijacked by the neocons and the right wingnuts. The hope millions felt at the demise of previous administration and their debauchary of American freedoms for 8 years has been quashed and we are left with "Amercian Values" of anti terrorism. These are new american values unknown to most Americans. Are people going wake up in time to realize what these new values are? Are they going to realize what they are having to give up before it's too late?

The neocons know this very well: If they are to remain a force in the American politics they have to do it at the heels of the so called war on terror. They have no other agenda, they have no other value, they have nothing else they can bring to the table that they can possibly sell to American publlic. The fear mongering, the percieved threats, the imminent danger of an attack is the only thing they can use to coerce people into voting for them. What are they willing to do in order to achieve this? There is nothing, including selling of America to the highest bidder, that they will not do to achieve their agenda. If this means they have to buy a Nigerian guy to pretend to blow up a plane then so be it.

When the news first came about him traveling without a passport nobody had seemed to believe that. However, this has been confimed now from more than one source that he traveled 2 segments without a passport. Do you think there was somebody much bigger than you and me behind wanting him on that one particular flight on a specific day?

Who really is in control? It is as if George and Dick never left the Whitehouse. Remember one of the last tapes to appear after the Obama win referrign to him as "house nigger"? Well that was certainly part of a plan.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is Your Church Or Synagogue Teaching You Hatred And Bigotry

God of all religions teaches love for all mankind. At least that is what we are told over and over when you meet with any religious person. They tell you God teaches love and forgiveness, kindness and humility. They tell you their God teaches to be good to your fellow human beings and practice tolerance for trespasses of others. But then where is all the hatred coming from. What about the guy who thinks he is Godly. The guy on the pulpit who has people's ears at least once a week? Can they be teaching us things we should not be learning at the church or synagogue.

How about you? Have you paid real close attention to what is being said in churches and synagogues across the country and how it's being said? What is the real message. Is it us vs them? Is it our religion is the only righteous religion? Is it that they are telling you that problems happen as an indicator of wrath of God to those who disobey? Are the interpretation of holy books too literal? Are you subliminally being taught that we must cleanse our cities of people that don't belong with us? Is your religion asking you that you will not achieve godliness as long as there is single person of another faith among you? Are they asking you to take revenge?

Perhaps it's time to look for an alternative. Perhaps it's time to reconsider. Perhaps it's time to tell them enough is enough. Perhaps it's time to ask them where is the love and kindness, the tolerance and humility. Perhaps it's time to ask them which God exactly are they asking us to follow after all. Perhaps its time to ask them is their God really all about love as they claim?

When The Circus Came To Town

OJ Simpson needs no introduction. Remember him, the guy who almost got away. Or so they think. The one who had the trial of the century. The hype about his trial was deafening before, during, and after the trial of the century. Good thing the century ended shortly after that. No more competition. He carries the dubious title forever now. Nothing can change that.

We have another trial brewing. In magnitude and importance this could easily rival all the trials and tribulation of OJ Simpson. This is the trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad. Will he get the notoriety of OJ Simpson? Will the media line up to give us the down and dirty details? Will the glove fit this time? Will he get a fair trial? That last question is perhaps the most important of all the questions. But it's a question that nobody is asking. Nobody is even concerned if he gets a fair trial or not. Nobody is concerned if justice will prevail or not. Nobody is concerned if at the end of the day the rule of law will be upheld. Why? Because this is an open and shut case. Whether he gets a fair trial or not, whether we know the confessions are coerced and extracted under torture, whether we know that it's taking place in the city of hate... none of that matters anymore. After so many years, after bungled attempts to capture some of the more important people linked to 9/11, we finally have a small fish we think is a big fish. We finally have somebody that we can point a finger at, give him the death penalty, see him die, and finally, at least try to, put closure to a wound that has been kept open for all these years.

This is the year when circus came to town.

Media will have a field day. All the TV channels are overjoyed, they will do the street interviews with the ordinary citizen. A chance for ordinary citizen to bash Muslims and Islam all in one or two sentences, a quick take. They will do a thousand interviews and present the one who can bash Islam and Muslims the best. The talking heads will get no rest. C-SPAN will bring in experts from Foreign Policy journal. Yes the home of Bernard Lewis, and Samuel Huntington. The pundits will be out of breath and may even need extra oxygen after they are done with their punditry. The Lion Tamers at Fox will crack the whip harder than ever. The applause will be deafening, the applause will be applauded.

The newspapers will have Christmas in whatever month the trial will happen. Going to circus during Christmas. Double the pleasure; although not if you are Jewish. But it would be a good opportunity to create an equivalent of Christmas in July theme. Sure, why not. Articles, opinions, pictures, cartoons. Oh how the information will flow. Sales of the century after years of lackluster subscription and advertising revenues. Front page, second page, last page... no space will be spared to bring the details to the masses. Artists will render the images in the courtroom; blood red will be the theme just to create the right mood. Interviews with Dick and George, the highly paid goons of democracy, is a given and the questions are being prepared even now, going around in the heads of the talking heads, over and over, just to get the right wording.

Blogs will be abuzz. People coming out of the woodwork, claiming to be experts in Koran, quoting verse after verse of disjointed meaning, meaning taken out of context, just to prove their bias, prove their ignorance, prove that they hate Islam and Muslim the most. No shortage of opinions from wannabe bloggers, wannabe newsmen, wannabe everything. Deep rooted hatred will come out and people will sit in front of their computers for hours replying to replies and the replies to replies proving they know it all and that they have more hatred then the rest of us. Euphoria will be hard to contain.

Even the university professors, those in the journalism, Law/justice, political science, history sing in chorus for all the nitty gritty details of the trial.

Are we getting their.... to make this the trial of the new century. Will judge Ito be relinquished once again, but reinstated at the last minute. The trial of the yet another century must continue, the truth must come out. Yes, the truth coerced and extracted under torture. Dick is proud.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Would You Buy This Piece Of Crap

The buzz is gettingh louder. Maybe Tata industries is buying up advertising in car magazine like crazy. maybe they are giving away this heap of Junk for free. Just remember Yugo.

Granted that I have not driven one, nor sat in any, and neither have I ever looked at one up close. All that might just as well be for good. Do I really want to endanger myself.

The car is being sold as the cheapest car on the market. So far that is. Once its brought up to American safety standards the car will cost additional $2000-$2500 making the car as much as $10,000 to $10,500 before the destination charges etc. which could, after all told, bring the price to about $12,000-$13000. So why exactly am I buying this crap. The inside is said to be spartan, whatever that means. And take a look on the outside. Not exactly the car for the first date I might say. Why not buy a slightly used car, strike a good deal with the salesman, and be kind to your date. Maybe she will have a softer seat to plop her ass.

Suppporting I$rael Weakens America

I$rael has been on the forefront of the news everyday since its inception. Never a day goes by when we do not hear a new atrocity attributed to I$rael. The killing of people, land disputes, land grab by IDF, border friction with all its neighbors, humiliations at the UN, the barbed attack on world leaders, and untold toxification of the political landscape.

Through all of this turmoil America as a nation has supported I$rael. We have supported I$rael unconditionally without reservations.

Have you ever stopped and reflected upon the cost that America as a country is paying for supporting I$rael?

When it comes to Human Rights abuses I$rael stands apart. The rights of millions of people are being taken away at the hands of one of the most oppressive regime in the Middle East. The oppressors are I$raelis, the country that we support for committing hundred and thousands of atrocities every day. How so? Please consider this:

  • New born babies to Palestinian Arabs and those living in Jerusalem are not automatically granted I$raeli citizenship. As soon as they are born they become illegal residents through no fault of their own. The citizenship of parents does not matter. Even if the parents have I$raeli citizenship thier kids do not get I$raeli citizenship. They are stateless people forced out of their country of birth, the country of their parents
  • People that have lived in Jerusalem for more than 50 years and outright own the land/dwellings are being evicted from their homes forcefully to make way for other development as lofty as public parks while these people have no where to go
  • The deportation of Arab-I$raelis continues every day. Only few years ago there were 450,000 Arabs in East Jerusalem, now there are only 250,000 remaining. This is through the stated policy of ethnic cleansing and it continues at the behest of I$raeli government, supported by the state controlled judiciary, and funded by Jewish owned and controlled corporations that are based around the world, mainly in US, Britain and South Africa
  • Targeted killing of civilians and religious leaders, also part of the ethnic cleansing, continues under the watchful eyes of the world community in the disguise of fighting terrorism
  • Human Organ trafficking is a widespread problem committed at the hands of I$raeli doctors, medical personnel and the IDF. People that are captured for any reason are liable to have their kidney and other organs removed, without consent, and the dead are harvested for organs and these organs are trafficked around the world to the highest bidder
  • Kids as young as 5 years old are in state custody for supporting "terrorism." These kids are used as ransom to capture other members of the family
  • Underage kids are being kept incommunicado, in solitary confinements, and without the benefits of visitation rights from family and loved ones. Many of these kids are kept under arrest without them knowing what they are being held for in prison. Many end up dead by what is now known as "Palestinian hanging" which happens when you are hung by chains with your arms behind your back, causing them to come out of their sockets, and killing because of the internal blood clots that eventually make their way to the heart causing seizure and heart attack
  • Women and girls are raped and tortured as material witnesses
  • Land with Olive groves and animals are torched on regular basis to prevent anybody coming too close to the border area
  • I$raeli forces have used illegal ammunitions, prohibited by Geneva convention, against civilian population
  • I$raeli defense forces have killed civilians without provocation, and in cold blood. They have killed unarmed civilians including infants, children, young girls, and women
  • I$rael has directly attacked designated shelter areas, hospitals, and places of worship
  • I$rael has bombarded UN missions that are clearly marked and for which the location coordinates were provided to I$raeli forces and civilian management

How long must all this continue? How long must we continue to support this tragedy?

What are the costs of all this human tragedy to the US? We are having to protect the murderous government of I$rael every step of the way. When we turn a blind eye to these atrocities we are telling the world that it is OK for others to do the same. When we turn the other cheek we are unable to face up to anybody else in the world and ask them to obey the rule of law. Every time we tell somebody to respect life and obey rule of law they point to our unabated support of I$rael. That shuts us down. We are unable to hold China responsible for their human rights abuses. We are unable to tell the Russians they are not to engage in extra judicial killings. We are unable to hold those responsible who caused genocide in Darfur.

Political decent is not anti-Semitism. It is in fact almost a crime not to speak up. In fact those who don’t speak up or don’t take action against the I$raeli atrocities around the world are equally complicit in the crimes committed against humanity. They are equally complicit of ethnic cleansing at the behest of I$raeli government. They have blood on their hands.

When we support I$rael we weaken America. We do irreparable damage to our country. We essentially tell people of the world we don’t support justice, we don’t support human rights, we allow the tyranny to prevail against the weak even though the weak party is in the right. It weakens America by having to defend bloodshed of the innocent, the taking of land by the oppressors, and waging war against civilians and the unarmed.

Call for Action:

Please don’t stand still shocked at these atrocities because the time for action is now. Time for action has come. Please help stop these killings, ethnic cleansing, war against innocent civilians, land grab, and forced removal of people from their homes and homeland. Here is how you can help:
Please take immediate action and call/write/contact your

  • Local representative
  • Stat Representative
  • State Senator

Tell them you do not support their unequivocal support of I$rael. Tell them I$rael must be held accountable for the crimes against humanity, they must be stopped from engaging in crimes against humanity with the support of the US government and the press, that they must be held accountable for what they have done.

Write to your local newspaper, write to any and all newspapers that you read and tell them you do not support I$raeli atrocities

Go to your favorite website and join the discussion/blog and tell the world you have had enough of this one sided policy of unabated support of I$rael and this must stop now

Discuss politics with your family and friends and tell them political decent is not anti-Semitism. Tell them you will not support I$rael and I$raelis without holding them responsible for their actions. Tell them that fighting for freedom, self determination, and democracy does not make anybody a terrorist

Support those organizations that are doing legitimate work to prevent untold human catastrophe in the Palestinian occupied territories including Gaza.

We need your help. We need everybody’s help now and for a long time to come. We don’t want money, we don’t want riots, and we don’t want demonstrations. We want lawful action to tell people that I$rael is wrong in what they are doing and must be held accountable for what they are doing and most importantly I$rael must be prevented from continuing the murder of innocent people, the ethnic cleansing, and torture.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who Is Afraid Of Islam

Islam bashing is nothing new. It's been going on for centuries. Crusaders murdered Muslims by the thousands without remorse, without as much much as second thought. All that at the behest of a Pope. Imagine that. Religious man telling his forces to kill indiscriminately. Women, Children, men, boys, and girls. The orders were precise: kill them until there are no more left. Fast forward to today and the crusades continue. Now in the the name of democracy or security or any lofty purpose dujour. So who is really afraid of Islam and why?

Of course the media would have you believe that Islam is anti west and all that malarkey. The reality is Islam as a religion and in itself is neither a threat to the west nor a threat to security of any one person or nation. Contrary to what the media and the right wing would have you believe, while liberals joining the chorus of hate speech from time, Islam does not teach violence nor it tells any one to convert against their will. Each and every Muslim knows today without a moment of hesitation that a person converting against their will is contrary to the essence of Islam, against the very core of the Islamic belief. And despite the negative press and all the misinformation the conversions keep coming. People still convert to Islam of their free will. There have been Clerics that have turned people away and told them that this is not a step to be taken lightly and one must think about it very carefully. They have in fact told people to go away and think about it more for week or two and then if they still think this is the right thing to do for them to come back again to embrace Islam.

Of course there are people that go away from Islam too. Its mostly because they are caught up in the moment. They are caught up with the glitter and the music, and pursuit of something different, something that is prevalent in the media and what surrounds them. They are taken in by the music and other frivolity. They are taken in by the promise of new found friendship and the easy life that awaits them without the media hatred of what is an essential part of one's life.
When people on their own really look at what Islam represent and what it stands for, when they do independent research, they invariably come to the same conclusion: Islam is the right religion and the only religion to be followed. It's a way of life that is most fulfilling and one that coincides with nature the most. If one really reads up on Islam they can find, time and again, that it's nothing even close to the menace its portrayed as by the media and the right wing bigots. That is where the problem lies. That is what really compels people, both Jews and Christians, to become hateful of Islam. Its what they don't have in their own religion is what makes them hate Islam. What you see in the media is over hyped bigotry because how else they are going to make people stay away from this religion.

For an ordinary person born in either Jewish or Christian household the message has to get through somehow to compel them to explore beyond what they currently have. To look beyond their daily routine. Beyond what Church teaches and what it hides. However, based on the media's portrayal of Islam, as wrong as that is, how would anybody want to reach beyond what they know to find the truth. These people must continue to tell lies, must continue to mislead, must continue to distort the facts, exaggerate the threat, twist the truth in order to continue to keep people away from exploring Islam.

Unfortunately there are not enough people with sufficient knowledge to spread the truth about Islam. So all we have is what the current media wants you to know. As long as the media stays in the grips of the few this hatred and fear mongering will continue.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Stupid French

France wants to ban Muslim women from wearing veil, the hijab or whatever it is that they call it. This is one of the most misguided policies that have come about and matches pretty closely to the hateful law the Swiss passed few days ago about the minarets.

Wearing of Hijab has nothing to do with the society. It has only to do with one thing: we hate you and we dislike you and that is what we want to promote; hatred, animosity, and bigotry.

Starting with the current French president, the whole country is full of bigots and people that think that preventing women from wearing hijab will somehow make people tolerant of each other. On the contrary, it will increase the animosity and those who can not see it is because they just don't want to see it.

Outside France, its yet another black eye for France and its people that had barely recovered from the Iraq fiasco. However this time its much easier to sweep this issue under the rug. Now if some loony guy decides to target the subway or some public place to blow himself up along with many others then French have nobody else but themselves to blame.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Is Haiti "Cursed"

Here it is. Earlier in the day the Top 10 post said we want to see Rush and Pat Robertson gone from the news. Obviously this has had a huge impact and their ratings tanked (or so we think). So they had to do something real quick to reverse the affect of this posting and the subsequent rating plunge. They had to be back in the news. This is what they came up with:

Pat Robertson said Haiti is "cursed."
Rush lambasted Obama for doing the right thing: seeming to care and encourage people to help out.

These two people and others of their ilk are so into themselves that they can not forgo any opportunity, even a catastrophe of this magnitude, to promote their own hideous agendas. Why would they think otherwise. Based on the high perch they are sitting on they think no harm can come to them. They are thinking they are Gods. One hates Obama and the other hates the entire human race altogether. Then they add a little something to make sure they can back track and weasel their way out of the hateful comments they make.

Here is what they said verbatim:

While Mr. loudmouth was speaking on his radio show Wednesday, Limbaugh said the earthquake has played into Obama's hands, allowing the president to look "compassionate" and "humanitarian" while at the same time bolstering his standing in both the "light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country."

He also added this for extra measure: "We've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax." I wonder if he thinks the same when he unabashedly supports giving billions to I$rael.

This is of note and maybe start of something big. While Limbaugh received some support from his own ilk, nobody of note has stepped up to defend Robertson's claim that Haiti got hit by an earthquake because it is "cursed."

This is what he said during one of the airings of his (cursed) program "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Robertson said that when Haiti was still a French colony it's leaders "swore a pact to the devil" to get out from "under the heel of the French."

"They said, 'we will serve you if you will get us free from the French.' True story. And so, the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal,'. But ever since they have been cursed by one thing after the other." Then he continued. "That island of Hispaniola is one island. It is cut down the middle on the one side is Haiti the other is the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etc. Haiti is in desperate poverty."

Word on the street is that the French are seething with rage but can't do a thing about it. Probably because Sarkozy is "Con de class mondial" which is, for you non-French speakers means "world class idiot."

It's a matter of great surprise that both of these people remain in the media because they have huge number of followers. But the only reason they have these followers is perhaps because racism and bigotry is still alive and very well in the US.

It's not OK to say "Nappy Head H**" referring to a sports team and if you do you get humiliated, bumped off the network, and run out of town while Rush and Pat can get away with murder and nobody says a word.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Top 10 Things We Like To See Taken Off The Media

  1. FoxNews - Fox anything - lies, lies, lies

  2. War on Terror - give it a rest - it's all hoax, lies, and drama anyway

  3. Glenn... who? As if Rush was not telling enough lies

  4. maligning of any religion - stop all frivolous religion bashing now

  5. Pat Robertson and the 700 Club - call it the church of hate and bigotry

  6. Dick's ugly face - the more he lies more crooked it gets

  7. George's ugly face - don't make me puke again.... please

  8. Ann Frank and the holocaust propaganda industry - the world has endured enough propaganda, now go away

  9. GM - when will they go away? When will the bailout at taxpayer's expense will end? Sell them to the Irish

  10. Jay Leno - nothing personal and we love you but please go away - go and tend to your antique cars or do something productive

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bank Fees To Cover TARP Losses

The headline says the "administration to announce bank fees to cover billions in TARP losses. What a great idea! Brilliant! Or is it.

This is attributed to Obama but in this administration everything is. The good, the bad, and especially the really ugly, all comes directly from Obama. It's as if rest of the administration is living in a vacuum, or maybe they are all on vacation living at a resort. Yes, its very controlled, very insidious.

Well, how soon it will be before these fees are moved over to ordinary account holders? Not the fat cats, min you. Only to ones that have their paychecks coming to the bank. Only the poor people that are told by the company that without an account you can not get paid. Of course they have very little option, the bank does. What with soaring fees and expenses. Yes, and it's only couple of dollars (a week) is how it will be presented, and viola! TARP money recovered. The fat cat bankers will have their even fatter paychecks for coming up with the brilliant scheme. Quintessential Americana.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christians believe in a personal God who forgives sins

Taken at face value, is that why Christians can wage endless wars on other nations, kill and murder like there is no tomorrow in the name of whatever is in fashion (lately it's been the spread of democracy), and come home and ask for forgiveness and be absolved of all wrongdoing?

Where do I go to convert?

When does a refugee camp become a concentration camp?

Is it when the media wants it to be? Is it when the historians wants it to be so? Or do the politicians decide its fate? Maybe its after all the refugees are killed off and then it becomes a concentration camp?

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Spiral Staircase

A wonderful must read book for anybody trying to discover religion, have doubts about where you are going with your religion, or if you just want a great read on this subject. The book is well written and its easy to read.

Karen Armstrong makes you feel good about yourself. Maybe because you feel so much for the author because just when she thinks all is going good, things change on her 180 degrees and a new adventure begins.

She wants to find God and in the process goes around the world looking. Can you really find God when you are looking for Him so hard. Remember the honky-tonk song, Looking for Love (in all the wrong places)? Karen is looking for God in all the wrong places but what an adventure it is that she has gone through and would I not change places with her?

It made me think about my own religious life. It made it stronger in my religious beliefs and I now appreciate so much more of what I believe in and what I don't. I know I am on the right track and right place when it comes to religion. Read the book and find out more about your own religious experience.

My next adventure: A History Of God by the same author

Poor Tiger Woods

Imagine all the fame, money and notoriety. What is going to stop you from doing anything. The world is your oyster.

When you have money fame and notoriety, women come easy. Or so I think. I have never been any of those things. Add good looking (as much as I can tell being a man looking at another man)to that mix and you have what we know as Tiger Woods.

So woman are throwing themselves at this man. He travels, goes places, and maybe he is alone many times. What is it exactly that will prevent him from not taking up on some of these offers. Is it religion? I don't believe he has one. I think he is Buddhist. Is Buddhism a religion. I am not sure. I know its a way of life. Other religions prevent one from extra marital sex.

So really what else is there that will prevent you from engaging in sexual liaisons with somebody other than you wife.

None of this is really his fault at all but he is having to take the blame for it. In the process he is losing ton of money and the opportunity to be something great. What a tragedy.

People, get a life and let the man get on with his life. Let him play the best Golf. Let us enjoy the best Golf.

Is I$rael destryong America?

Somebody asked me this question and I was taken aback a little. He made a convincing argument and at the time it sounded good. More I thought about it more it sounded like and interesting topic to put to the world. Not enough provocative questions are being asked of our politicians and they are getting away with murder. Here it goes for what its worth. Please leave your comment. Remember, your comments are what makes this blog intersting or otherwise.