Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When The Circus Came To Town

OJ Simpson needs no introduction. Remember him, the guy who almost got away. Or so they think. The one who had the trial of the century. The hype about his trial was deafening before, during, and after the trial of the century. Good thing the century ended shortly after that. No more competition. He carries the dubious title forever now. Nothing can change that.

We have another trial brewing. In magnitude and importance this could easily rival all the trials and tribulation of OJ Simpson. This is the trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad. Will he get the notoriety of OJ Simpson? Will the media line up to give us the down and dirty details? Will the glove fit this time? Will he get a fair trial? That last question is perhaps the most important of all the questions. But it's a question that nobody is asking. Nobody is even concerned if he gets a fair trial or not. Nobody is concerned if justice will prevail or not. Nobody is concerned if at the end of the day the rule of law will be upheld. Why? Because this is an open and shut case. Whether he gets a fair trial or not, whether we know the confessions are coerced and extracted under torture, whether we know that it's taking place in the city of hate... none of that matters anymore. After so many years, after bungled attempts to capture some of the more important people linked to 9/11, we finally have a small fish we think is a big fish. We finally have somebody that we can point a finger at, give him the death penalty, see him die, and finally, at least try to, put closure to a wound that has been kept open for all these years.

This is the year when circus came to town.

Media will have a field day. All the TV channels are overjoyed, they will do the street interviews with the ordinary citizen. A chance for ordinary citizen to bash Muslims and Islam all in one or two sentences, a quick take. They will do a thousand interviews and present the one who can bash Islam and Muslims the best. The talking heads will get no rest. C-SPAN will bring in experts from Foreign Policy journal. Yes the home of Bernard Lewis, and Samuel Huntington. The pundits will be out of breath and may even need extra oxygen after they are done with their punditry. The Lion Tamers at Fox will crack the whip harder than ever. The applause will be deafening, the applause will be applauded.

The newspapers will have Christmas in whatever month the trial will happen. Going to circus during Christmas. Double the pleasure; although not if you are Jewish. But it would be a good opportunity to create an equivalent of Christmas in July theme. Sure, why not. Articles, opinions, pictures, cartoons. Oh how the information will flow. Sales of the century after years of lackluster subscription and advertising revenues. Front page, second page, last page... no space will be spared to bring the details to the masses. Artists will render the images in the courtroom; blood red will be the theme just to create the right mood. Interviews with Dick and George, the highly paid goons of democracy, is a given and the questions are being prepared even now, going around in the heads of the talking heads, over and over, just to get the right wording.

Blogs will be abuzz. People coming out of the woodwork, claiming to be experts in Koran, quoting verse after verse of disjointed meaning, meaning taken out of context, just to prove their bias, prove their ignorance, prove that they hate Islam and Muslim the most. No shortage of opinions from wannabe bloggers, wannabe newsmen, wannabe everything. Deep rooted hatred will come out and people will sit in front of their computers for hours replying to replies and the replies to replies proving they know it all and that they have more hatred then the rest of us. Euphoria will be hard to contain.

Even the university professors, those in the journalism, Law/justice, political science, history sing in chorus for all the nitty gritty details of the trial.

Are we getting their.... to make this the trial of the new century. Will judge Ito be relinquished once again, but reinstated at the last minute. The trial of the yet another century must continue, the truth must come out. Yes, the truth coerced and extracted under torture. Dick is proud.

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