Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pakistan Insurgencies

CNN - Afghanistan Crossroads - US Officials: Multiple insurgencies overwhelming Pakistan

According to the article Pakistan is "nation under siege." When was that not the case. Since it's inception as a Muslim country Pakistan has been under siege from one outside actor or another. India, Afghanistan, Iran, US, Russia etc. etc.

In 1971 half of the country was lost.

Fast forward to present day quagmire. The nuclear weapons are at the top of the open issues. Word on the street is that it's in the interest of US to somehow control the cache of nuclear tipped missiles and neutralize them. The hawks at the Pentagon are having sleepless nights and they have not spared a moment to see that this Muslim country's defenses are weakened for good. The resistance within Pakistan continues, for now under the banner of national pride. National pride? Its matter of national survival. But, in the process lives are being lost and greater enemies are being created that will perpetuate the cycle of violence for years to come.

In Afghanistan, after the election of Mr. Obama, US could have taken the high road to reconciliation while many factors play themselves out in the background. On the contrary, and against his better judgement while breaking his campaign promises, the Obama government decided to escalate and up the ante. He inherited the current crop of generals and they decided, at the military's recommendations, to continue the status quo: take no prisoners; make not peace with anybody; eliminate rather than integrate. In the process what is happening is that the insurgency is being pushed out of Afghanistan into Pakistan. Problem solved? Yes, of the nuclear arms since that will allow US to "create" the atmosphere to pressure Pakistan to give up its nukes. Pakistan without nukes is a sitting duck for any taker.

Internal problems and strife abound in Pakistan. Anything and everything goes to the highest bidder.

What Pakistan needs is open access to the most sophisticated arms and first rate training. The current crop of US operatives in Pakistan with their covert support for the Pakistani army, under the watchful eyes of Indian interests, is never going to do the job. The people of Pakistan, just like many times in the past, have bought the idea of Pakistan being an ally of US and want some action from US instead of empty promises.

The second rate under secretaries of defense and that of the state department, the trainees, should be replaced with somebody who has some clout to push the process through congress for substantial and real aid at the right place. They need to select people from outside, Pakistanis who have lived in US, Europe, Asia, or the Gulf countries to spearhead the distribution of the money allocated for aid to Pakistan. To head the progress and see through the completion of projects. Anybody from the inside is too corrupt to make a difference.

There is some hope for Pakistan and by proxy for Afghanistan but time is running out fast. As the article points out, the insurgency that was quelled is raising its ugly head back up and this time it will be twice as difficult to control it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Top 10 Myths of Iz-ra-eeli-Paletinian Peace Process

1. Iz-ra-eel Wants Peace
2. Iz-ra-eel Left Gaza
3. Arabs living in Iz-ra-eel have equal rights
4. Nut-n-yahoo is sincere about negotiating a peace deal with Arabs
5. Iz-ra-eel only targets militants
6. Iz-ra-eel respects human rights for all its citizens
7. There are no Iz-ra-eeli extremists
8. American politicians are not influenced in favor of Iz-ra-eel
9. There is no organ harvesting scandal backed by the highest levels of government of Iz-ra-eel
10. American Media is fair and balanced and reports everything accurately when it comes to Iz-ra-eeli/Arab politics

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama Legacy

Now that the debate on health care is over and it has become the law its time to move on to other more pressing issues in the world politics. For an American president its never too early to talk about legacy. Anybody can build a library and a highway can be named after them, real work for legacy takes courage, vision, and determination. Obama has shown to have those qualities.

The odds against President Obama are still stacked mile high in the form of Cheney, Bush, AIPAC, Foxxx News and that ugly little GOP poodle that won't stop barking, Sarah Palin. Yet despite the odds, President Obama has done wonderfully. His stature as a leader around the world is recognized and improving. Just the other day Russian President showered him with unprecedented praise coming from a Russian leader for any sitting American president. He is well liked almost all around the world except in certain circles where he can not win no matter what he does short of bombing the entire world for the benefit of one group. As such he will have much easier time now with the next agenda item on the world stage, whatever that happens to be. In the process the stature of America the world over has improved. It's time for Obama to look forward and do great things, not only for America but for the whole world. Here is a list of top five agenda setting items:

1. End the war on terror - officially or otherwise
War on terror is the legacy of Bush and what a legacy that is. The legacy of hate and crimes against humanity. End the war on terror but that does not mean we can not promote democracy and freedom for the oppressed people around the world. There is no shortage of oppressed people around the world but the iron fist has never helped sustain a real democracy, and the alternative can only be pushed when there is enough of a peace and harmony to realize the dividends of democracy and freedom. That also does not mean we have to compromise on our security. What we need is to reign in the rogue elements within the government and stop the False Red Flag Attacks on America, which many think is an inside job.

2. Have direct talks with Iran - no preconditions
Under tremendous pressure from the wrong side of the isle, Iran was never offered a place at the negotiating table. The threats, from the remnants of the old regime still marauding as if Bush never left the office, never ceased. There was no offer made. The preconditions were all in place. The grievances of either side were never addressed. The outcome of the diplomacy with the second and third level diplomats (no influence and no authority to offer anything substantial) were a sham for the news media hounds to report the failure. Negotiations were means to an end. That end was to have the negotiations fail for the world to see that Iranians are not cooperating.

Its time for real negotiations with Iran. These talks have to be at the highest level, started and run by somebody that matters and by somebody who does not have minimal allegiance to special interest groups. No operative of AIPAC from the state department will do; that essentially takes the whole state department out of the running so it has to be an outsider to start and lead the negotiations with Iran.

Why negotiate? Although the threat to the world from Iran is overblown by leaps and bounds and only Foxxx News sees the trigger finger set to go off (which means anybody with iota of intelligence can relax, really), the ideological threat does exist and its substantial. A negotiated end to Iranian uranium enrichment crises can lead to other issues being settled without having to allocate resources and manpower.

3. Completely muzzle the old regime - including Liz Cheney
Stonewall Foxxx News and Associated Press. These two outfits have done more damage to American peoples' psyche then any other two outfits combined. The impact is tremendous but the truth finally comes out. They are strictly the mouthpieces for the far far right fringe elements and that include pretty much the entire GOP leadership of today. Far and wide there are no moderates in GOP anymore, none that get any press time. Its as if they have all converted to Islam or something - they never have a chance with the press.

More importantly, Liz Cheney, Daddy Cheney and the entire hate mongering right wing machine has to be shut down. Shut it down for the sake of American people. Enough with the hatred, enough with the wars, enough with the killing. People want peace and harmony. People want to live without hatred. People are tired of hatred. People want a new day and a new beginning.

4. Muzzle the Israeli war machine and stop aid to Israel until they come to negotiating table - with no preconditions.
The whole world knows we are supporting Apartheid regime but most can not say anything for fear of reprisals, or don't get their voices heard. Any descent is met with maximum penalty. The rule of law, the right and wrong, the human rights, everything goes out the window when taking sides with Iz-ra-eel.

5. Declare and recognize independent Palestinian state - without further delay
Single most important thing that President Obama can do for the world peace. A fully recognized independent Palestinian state would bring in the most vehement supporters of J1h@d and all the other undesirable things on the world stage. Its the single most important thing any president can do to create a lasting legacy, one that will be remembered forever in the history of the world. It will be that one milestone event that all other events will be judged against. Iraq war will be a distant memory, Afghanistan war will cease to exist. The time for a unilateral recognition of independent State of Palestine has come. Mr. President, act on this opportunity, act on it now, consequences be damned. There will be no consequences.

This is the legacy setting agenda that will make Mr. Obama one of the most popular American President in the history of the world.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Democracy by any Other Name

Many Americans are totally confounded how Iz-ra-eel is supported as a champion for democracy. There is nothing democratic about it.

In a democracy we do not have one road for Iz-ra-eelis and one road for Palestinians. That is not democracy that is apartheid.

In a democracy we have freedom of religion. We don't say you have to be at least 50 years of age before you can enter a certain place of worship. We don't call that democracy we call it religious persecution.

In a democracy we do not kick people from their homes and then tell them they can never return. In the 1948 military operation thousands of civilians from present day Iz-ra-eel, afraid for their lives, fled to present day West Bank, never to be allowed to return to the homes where their families had lived peacefully for hundreds of years. We don’t call that democracy that is called ethnic cleansing.

In a democracy we don't erect checkpoints where Iz-ra-eelis are not stopped and Palestinians have to stop and get frisked. Thousands of Palestinians have to stop at 30 or 40 checkpoints on their way to work and again on their way home. The gates of many of the checkpoints are closed at night. Mothers have given birth and some have bled to death from complications of giving birth while their husbands begged to be let through so they can make it to the hospital. Basically your neighborhoods gate is closed at night and it is not opened even for medical emergencies. We don't call that democracy that is apartheid, that is inhumane.

In a democracy we don't bulldoze the home of parents of a criminal. We punish the person who has committed the crime. We do not make homeless the innocent occupants of a home where one individual may have committed a crime. That is not democracy it is an atrocity and mockery of justice.

In a democracy we respect peoples' right to free speech. We do not run them over with a bulldozer. Rachel Corries’ crime was that she spoke out against Iz-ra-eel’s policy. This young lady from the state of Washington was run over by a Israeli bulldozer while she was protesting the bulldozing of a Palestinian’s home. No one has been held accountable for her murder. That is not democracy, it is barbaric.

In a democracy we have a free press. There are no curbs on the movements of the journalists and they can and should ask probing questions. Iz-ra-eel prevents any journalists to enter Gaza, the Arabs in Iz-ra-eel, just like the Muslims in America are not at all represented in the mainstream media. That is not democracy, that is discrimination, plain and simple.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Will the Pope be Gone Soon?

Resign or Forced Out?

Pope Benedict is under fire for hiding the truth, covering up for the clergy that have done extremely egregious things that come under serious crimes in any jurisdiction. The calls for his resignation have started to surface.

The pope will be gone before the end of this year is out. Just a prediction!
Pope should go ahead and resign the papacy and retire. He will have plenty of time to ask for forgiveness but more importantly, the church will suffer less of acrimony at the hands of its enemies, and there are plenty of them out there, starting with the media. Given the opportunity they can cause lot more damage on top of the damage already caused by the media.

It will be good for the practicing Catholics and many others that may have left the church after these revelations. It will help people reconcile with the church. It will quite the detractors. Pope Urban should have been hanged for his crimes against humanity for instigating the crusades. In many ways this is worse.

Will the Pope Benedict still be around as head of the Catholic church at the end of this year?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It is all about you know who?

I am going to spend all my Bar-Mitzvah money on........

When the fiasco first appeared on the news scene it looked benign and typical Hollywood "he said, she said" tabloid fodder. It went back back and forth several times but Jon and Kate Gosselin of Jon and Kate plus eight fame stayed in the news for weeks on with no end. Eventually it was easy to figure out why. As soon as the news came out of Jon meeting with his Rabbi, it all fell in place. Jon is, after all Jewish and it only makes sense for him to be in the news.

Creating a buzz is an old marketing tool that has been used for years. Some companies have taken it to the limit and they are really good at creating buzz. Although the buzz about Jon and Kate existed long before the messy breakup, the technique is used all around. Way back when, starting with Bob Dylan, and later Carly Simon, Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, Bruce Springsteen, and of late, Starbucks, Facebook, Sarah Silverman, and the latest "sensations" the Jonas Brothers. Many other faces that are household names hold the same distinction. Having affiliation with certain religious group pays off big. Just ask Laura Shlessinger, the uber obnoxious radio, and later TV psychologist that spewed venom at her listeners majority of the time. Free and gratuitous press creating a buzz, fame, popularity and money streams.
Bob Dylan's original work sucked. It may have had some folksy appeal but musically speaking it was less than mediocre. Fame and notoriety followed never the less. Creating a buzz such as for Starbucks where so much of it is free helps in the long run but all of that is reserved for select few.

In the entertainment industry the kids in the movies only talk about getting their bar-mitzvah money back. They talk about spending it, saving it, or whatever else you can do with the money. It is always Bar-mitzvah money.

So what does it matter. It creates the role models for others to follow. Have you ever seen a role model for Christian kid, perhaps? Of course the only role models for the Muslim kids are growing up as suicide bomber or some such thing. Remember Babel with Brad Pitt.
Unfortunately this happens at the exclusion of all others. Roles are created. Remember Adam Sandler? It started with "stupid" roles and he has matured into something some people can actually tolerate now. So who is taking his place now that he has moved on from the "stupid" roles to more tolerable roles except for Zohan? Somebody else has to fill up that space, right? Jon Heder of course will be the next Adam Sandler.

It is a matter of giving people the opportunity. Only the select few get the opportunity. Is it always matter of being at the right place at the right time? Not really. Does it take hard work? Of course it does but given the opportunity, many WILL do the hard work required to be the next star. Is the exclusivity by design? It sure looks that way based on the extensive review of what goes in the news, how it's portrayed, and what stays out. It also depends on.... you guess it, the buzz and the after buzz which is all reserved for people that belong to the same certain religion.

Monday, April 12, 2010

British Soldiers Using Models of Mosques as Target Practice

This is how the hatred starts. The blame is always one sided.

After Ahmad Rushdie wrote the book Satanic Verses the entire Muslim world was in uproar. Probably rightfully so. Under the guise of freedom of speech Rushdie was lauded in the press, and protected from meeting a well deserved early demise. Mush later the British government bestowed Knighthood on Rushdie making him Sir Ahmad Rushdie.

Today the news comes out that British Military is using cutout models of Mosques for target practice. The green domes, single of double, are the distinctive features of models being used. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

While selling these wars at home as efforts to spread democracy around the world, admissions such as "We hunt for Jesus" are not unheard of. Other examples include:
1. Using copies of Qur'an as target practice
2. Throwing copies of Qur'an on the floor that were used by villagers to swear they do not have any knowledge of Taliban
3. US Army have used verses from bibles inscribed on guns used in Afghanistan as symbol of Christ's army against the mainly Muslim Afghans.
4. People being shot at inside the mosques at point blank
5. Army Chaplains in Afghanistan exhorting US soldiers "to be witnesses" for Jesus. 'The special forces guys -- they hunt men basically. We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. Get the hound of heaven after them, so we get them into the kingdom. That's what we do, that's our business."
6. Bibles are translated in Pashto, Dari and other local languages apparently for distribution to the villagers and the local population
7. Pages of Qur'an were flushed down the toilet at Guantanamo Bay prison run by the US military.

None of these actions are ever in line with the official version that is touted and shoved down our throats: Spreading the freedom and democracy, protecting women's rights, and freedom of speech and expression. At the end of the day it all boils down to supremacy and imperialism. Absolutely nothing else matters.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crimes Against Humanity

Slowly the stories are trickling out. Murder, mayhem, torture, and any other atrocity one can imagine. All perpetrated against people around the world by those who still think they are purveyors of peace and democracy. Worst of all, the perpetrators continue to be defended by the US army, the civilian command, the press, and most American public.

Of course those who perpetrated these atrocities are directly responsible and should be held accountable and brought to justice without further delay. But don't hold your breath for that. There is no outcry, there is no outpouring of support for the aggrieved, there is no media frenzy, there is no call for special congressional hearings. The politicians are still celebrating the Healthcare bill approval by the congress.

Headline: How Americans are Propagandized About Afghanistan.

The story recounts the horrors of US military personnel killing people in cold blood, then covering their tracks with extensive procedures of extracting bullets from the victims' heads (no less). Then, after killing them, tying the women up to make them look like they were bound and gagged by the men for honor killing. What does it take to do all this? How much time does it take to extract bullets from skull? Who is actually doing the extraction? Is it a doctor/medic that is helping? Where are the platoon leaders, the people at the base, and others involved in the carnage?

All of these heinous acts take planning, time, and approvals from senior officers. How many people does it take to cover up these crimes?

The article cites major news media groups colluding with the army and corroborating the story as authentic at the time all of these atrocities took place. New York Times is part of that collusion!CNN is one of the most trusted names in the news business. They supposedly verified the facts, had their people on the ground and reporting the story, and the quotes from the officers in charge are all real. Is this really happening in America today? This is not a movie, this is real life.

After the truth is revealed neither of the original news sources have, to date, admitted complicity, responsibility, or even acknowledgement of false reporting. Do any of these organizations ever make a mistake?

Headline: WikiLeaks Video shows 12 dead in US Army Apache Assault on unarmed Reuters Cameramen.

"The WikiLeaks video of helicopter gunners shooting civilians and savoring their kills as if playing a video game, although horrific, is understandable." Understandable for who? Understandable from whose point of view?

Now the headlines are: WikiLeaks vidoe shows 12 dead in Iraq army assault
Another one says: WikiLeaks Misrepresents Apache Assault on Medhi [sic] Army Militia
The army senior officers defended these actions at the time. The problem is that even today they continue to defend these criminal and rogue elements. How wide spread is this problem? What about thousands upon thousands of murders in Iraq where people were finding headless bodies all around the city of Baghdad? Who really committed those atrocities? At least at the time they were blamed on militias? But is that really true. Who were those dead people?

The Nation (, both in print and on their website most recently reported that their reporters in Pakistan saw operatives from US special operation forces involved in suicide bombings via cars and trucks. Since that reporting and some exposure of that news on news boards, the rate of suicide bombings have gone down to almost zero. Is that a coincidence?
Curiously enough, New York Times did not bother to print anything about either the murders in Afghanistan, (which they originally reported as honor killings and Al-Qaida fighters being neutralized) or the Video of innocent Iraqis being gunned down in broad daylight as if somebody is playing video game. CNN reported the story but did not bring all the horrific details to the fore citing concern for family members of the dead Iraqis. Really? Is the video not available in its entirety in million and one places, either directly or via a youtube embed?

These atrocities clearly amount to crimes against humanity. Will these criminals be exposed and brought to justice?

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Idiot in the Middle

If one studies religion of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam they may be surprised to find that without a doubt there are more similarities than there are differences. Starting from the Prophets, the Books, the basic tenets of right and wrong, are all identical in all three religions. Religious teachings, methods of prayer, even some of the timings for prayers is the same with only minor differences. Fasting is proscribed in all three religions in one form or another. Religious giving is practiced by all three religions. Despite the similarities, the differences are what bring the sides to war and atrocities against each other. In this war what role the media is playing? Is the media fair to all three religions? Is media reporting impartial or skewed against one religion or another. Why the atrocities of one religion hidden compared to other? Is that by design?

Media has been trashing Islam for years now. Everyday there are stories portraying Muslims as villains, anti-peace, and anti-America. Lately though Christianity has joined the ranks of religions that are out of media favor. Pope said the other day that unfair media reports target Catholic Church. This has been going on for a while. Lately Church of Scientology has joined the ranks of religious organizations that have been targeted by the mainstream media. It seems like there is a smear campaign underway against both Islam and Christianity. The campaign against Christians is a relatively new phenomenon. It was long time coming though since the malignment of Islam is reaching a point where its now part of the society at large. War against Christianity is the next frontier along with rewriting history for the benefit of the few. One religion that has been responsible for most atrocities through out the world and throughout history has been absent from the news and media scrutiny altogether. This is neither accidental, nor it should come as a surprise to those who have studied media in any length.

Jews have sold themselves as the God's chosen people and they can't do nothing wrong, or so it seems. They have reinforced this idea at every opportunity. Not only that but they have created opportunities to reinforce the idea that they are superior creation compared to the rest of the human race. As such anything and everything they do, including committing heinous atrocities against those who go against them, is considered perfectly alright and it is what is called for. The list of atrocities committed by the jews is rather long. The entire list can not be covered in one article so here's the short version:

Iraq war was the brain child of Richard Perl (AKA Prince of Darkness), a former Likud Party (of Israel) member now a fellow at AEI, the uber conservative think tanks with people like Lynn Cheney as its current members. Two other people instrumental in pushing that war were Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith. All three happen to be jewish. In addition, Richard Perl wrote a white paper in 1988 redrawing the maps of middle east and rest of Asia and Africa. The paper is available on many website.

Atrocities committed by Jews and Israelis, which is one and the same, are so many but each and every one of them is sold to the American public and to the world as mitigating the threat against security of Israel. When it comes to Israel and the jews the world just totally forgets about that because media never questions anything as they question events attributed to Muslims and Christians.

Now the world is gearing up for mass murder against the Iranians. Of course the underlying premise of what is attributed to Iranian leaders is absolutely false but people have already been sold that lie and nobody questions that part anymore. Main stream media has been directly responsible for selling that lie and it continues to reinforce that lie with even bigger lies. It is a lie and people ought to find that out for themselves. Unfortunately, most people are too lazy, to preoccupied with their facebook buddies, and too bogged down with the current news that they don't care what the truth is anymore.

Whoever controls or owns the media controls everything else because that is where the opinions are formed and wars are sold. If you look up Associated Press you will see that it controls 5000+ newspapers and 1700+ TV stations directly. These are news outlets that get their stories primarily from Associated press. In addition there are many other outlets including Yahoo news portal, and now Google News Portal and many other outlets that source articles written for Associated press. These sources are scattered all around the world. If a story break in Pakistan its reported by somebody local in Pakistan, gets fed to the news editors sitting in US, edited for the slant of bias that must go in while protecting the sacred cows of Associated Press and then goes out to general public. Even though Associated Press is touted as a not for profit cooperative Tom Curley, CEO decides what news gets out and what stays in. Tom Curley happens to be jewish.

New York Times is owned by third generation of Sulzberger family. A prominent jewish family in New York area. The paper has nationwide distribution and it is considered to be a premier news source for millions of people around the country. It also owns several TV stations in the east coast and have affiliate relationships with, at last check, at least 8 news papers around the globe. From January 1st 2010 to March 15th 2010 there has never been a single day without at least one major story appearing in New York Times that is vehemently against Islam, Muslims, and Muslim world in general. Add to that special features that appear in the Magazine section and the opinion pieces from the likes of Thomas Friedman and Michael Isikoff. Both of them happen to be jewish. In addition the misceleneosu news articles about Iraq and Iran that are invariably biased and opinionated and none of that is ever good.

NewsCorp is owned by Rupert Murdoch who proudly says his mother was Jewish and he has undying allegiance to jews and Israel. NewsCorp, among other news outlets controls Fox News and Wall Street Journal. Roger Ailers runs the gamut at Fox News. Besides independent confirmation, just based on the news that comes out of Fox its a sure bet that he is jewish with an agenda.

Disney is now privately owned by a conglomeration of interests including Pixar, which in turn is owned by Gaffen Brothers, Spielberg and several other investors that are all jewish.
We are just scratching the surface. One does not have to dive too deep to find out that all media in its entirety is controlled by the jewish interests. From the News papers, to TV stations, to Public Access Channels in most major cities, to National Public Radio (NPR) is all owned and/or operated by jewish interests in one or the other way. Add to that entities like the Scaife and Koch foundations (both jewish owned) with billions of dollars to spend on propaganda at will, and you will know why jews, the perpetrators of most all wars are never in the news and never blamed for anything. Anything outside of that realm of jewish ownership is insignificant and does not matter at all.

Most recently two outfits have seen major changes in how they present the news, what they write about, and how the words are used in the headlines. Reuters have been transformed about three months ago and about a month ago Christian Science Monitor, the mouthpiece of the Church of Scientology has seen a sea change in the coverage. Christian Science Monitor is one of the premier newspaper that was, until recently it seems, was not affiliated with any other news organization such as Associated Press. That is changing now and the end result is yet to be seen.
Among the three main religions, the Muslim are bearing the majority of the blame for all sorts of world problems but the idiots (and I say that with love and affection) in the middle are the Christians. They always side with the jews but never realize that they are being back stabbed on daily basis and sold out right from under their noses.