Friday, April 16, 2010

Will the Pope be Gone Soon?

Resign or Forced Out?

Pope Benedict is under fire for hiding the truth, covering up for the clergy that have done extremely egregious things that come under serious crimes in any jurisdiction. The calls for his resignation have started to surface.

The pope will be gone before the end of this year is out. Just a prediction!
Pope should go ahead and resign the papacy and retire. He will have plenty of time to ask for forgiveness but more importantly, the church will suffer less of acrimony at the hands of its enemies, and there are plenty of them out there, starting with the media. Given the opportunity they can cause lot more damage on top of the damage already caused by the media.

It will be good for the practicing Catholics and many others that may have left the church after these revelations. It will help people reconcile with the church. It will quite the detractors. Pope Urban should have been hanged for his crimes against humanity for instigating the crusades. In many ways this is worse.

Will the Pope Benedict still be around as head of the Catholic church at the end of this year?

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