Friday, April 2, 2010

The Idiot in the Middle

If one studies religion of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam they may be surprised to find that without a doubt there are more similarities than there are differences. Starting from the Prophets, the Books, the basic tenets of right and wrong, are all identical in all three religions. Religious teachings, methods of prayer, even some of the timings for prayers is the same with only minor differences. Fasting is proscribed in all three religions in one form or another. Religious giving is practiced by all three religions. Despite the similarities, the differences are what bring the sides to war and atrocities against each other. In this war what role the media is playing? Is the media fair to all three religions? Is media reporting impartial or skewed against one religion or another. Why the atrocities of one religion hidden compared to other? Is that by design?

Media has been trashing Islam for years now. Everyday there are stories portraying Muslims as villains, anti-peace, and anti-America. Lately though Christianity has joined the ranks of religions that are out of media favor. Pope said the other day that unfair media reports target Catholic Church. This has been going on for a while. Lately Church of Scientology has joined the ranks of religious organizations that have been targeted by the mainstream media. It seems like there is a smear campaign underway against both Islam and Christianity. The campaign against Christians is a relatively new phenomenon. It was long time coming though since the malignment of Islam is reaching a point where its now part of the society at large. War against Christianity is the next frontier along with rewriting history for the benefit of the few. One religion that has been responsible for most atrocities through out the world and throughout history has been absent from the news and media scrutiny altogether. This is neither accidental, nor it should come as a surprise to those who have studied media in any length.

Jews have sold themselves as the God's chosen people and they can't do nothing wrong, or so it seems. They have reinforced this idea at every opportunity. Not only that but they have created opportunities to reinforce the idea that they are superior creation compared to the rest of the human race. As such anything and everything they do, including committing heinous atrocities against those who go against them, is considered perfectly alright and it is what is called for. The list of atrocities committed by the jews is rather long. The entire list can not be covered in one article so here's the short version:

Iraq war was the brain child of Richard Perl (AKA Prince of Darkness), a former Likud Party (of Israel) member now a fellow at AEI, the uber conservative think tanks with people like Lynn Cheney as its current members. Two other people instrumental in pushing that war were Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith. All three happen to be jewish. In addition, Richard Perl wrote a white paper in 1988 redrawing the maps of middle east and rest of Asia and Africa. The paper is available on many website.

Atrocities committed by Jews and Israelis, which is one and the same, are so many but each and every one of them is sold to the American public and to the world as mitigating the threat against security of Israel. When it comes to Israel and the jews the world just totally forgets about that because media never questions anything as they question events attributed to Muslims and Christians.

Now the world is gearing up for mass murder against the Iranians. Of course the underlying premise of what is attributed to Iranian leaders is absolutely false but people have already been sold that lie and nobody questions that part anymore. Main stream media has been directly responsible for selling that lie and it continues to reinforce that lie with even bigger lies. It is a lie and people ought to find that out for themselves. Unfortunately, most people are too lazy, to preoccupied with their facebook buddies, and too bogged down with the current news that they don't care what the truth is anymore.

Whoever controls or owns the media controls everything else because that is where the opinions are formed and wars are sold. If you look up Associated Press you will see that it controls 5000+ newspapers and 1700+ TV stations directly. These are news outlets that get their stories primarily from Associated press. In addition there are many other outlets including Yahoo news portal, and now Google News Portal and many other outlets that source articles written for Associated press. These sources are scattered all around the world. If a story break in Pakistan its reported by somebody local in Pakistan, gets fed to the news editors sitting in US, edited for the slant of bias that must go in while protecting the sacred cows of Associated Press and then goes out to general public. Even though Associated Press is touted as a not for profit cooperative Tom Curley, CEO decides what news gets out and what stays in. Tom Curley happens to be jewish.

New York Times is owned by third generation of Sulzberger family. A prominent jewish family in New York area. The paper has nationwide distribution and it is considered to be a premier news source for millions of people around the country. It also owns several TV stations in the east coast and have affiliate relationships with, at last check, at least 8 news papers around the globe. From January 1st 2010 to March 15th 2010 there has never been a single day without at least one major story appearing in New York Times that is vehemently against Islam, Muslims, and Muslim world in general. Add to that special features that appear in the Magazine section and the opinion pieces from the likes of Thomas Friedman and Michael Isikoff. Both of them happen to be jewish. In addition the misceleneosu news articles about Iraq and Iran that are invariably biased and opinionated and none of that is ever good.

NewsCorp is owned by Rupert Murdoch who proudly says his mother was Jewish and he has undying allegiance to jews and Israel. NewsCorp, among other news outlets controls Fox News and Wall Street Journal. Roger Ailers runs the gamut at Fox News. Besides independent confirmation, just based on the news that comes out of Fox its a sure bet that he is jewish with an agenda.

Disney is now privately owned by a conglomeration of interests including Pixar, which in turn is owned by Gaffen Brothers, Spielberg and several other investors that are all jewish.
We are just scratching the surface. One does not have to dive too deep to find out that all media in its entirety is controlled by the jewish interests. From the News papers, to TV stations, to Public Access Channels in most major cities, to National Public Radio (NPR) is all owned and/or operated by jewish interests in one or the other way. Add to that entities like the Scaife and Koch foundations (both jewish owned) with billions of dollars to spend on propaganda at will, and you will know why jews, the perpetrators of most all wars are never in the news and never blamed for anything. Anything outside of that realm of jewish ownership is insignificant and does not matter at all.

Most recently two outfits have seen major changes in how they present the news, what they write about, and how the words are used in the headlines. Reuters have been transformed about three months ago and about a month ago Christian Science Monitor, the mouthpiece of the Church of Scientology has seen a sea change in the coverage. Christian Science Monitor is one of the premier newspaper that was, until recently it seems, was not affiliated with any other news organization such as Associated Press. That is changing now and the end result is yet to be seen.
Among the three main religions, the Muslim are bearing the majority of the blame for all sorts of world problems but the idiots (and I say that with love and affection) in the middle are the Christians. They always side with the jews but never realize that they are being back stabbed on daily basis and sold out right from under their noses.

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