Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Eating healthy and as a result being healthy, feeling good about yourself, and looking good is no accident. Sometimes its hard work depending on your starting point. No one single habit or routine will get you where you need to be. Just prayers, no matter who you pray to, will not do it either. The suggestions below are just the start. Once you feel and look good many other good things follow. You could become more active, start exercise routine, go out more often, or any number of other things that will complement suggestions listed below.

Start today, start now!

1. Reduce the Portion Size
One of the most important things you can do towards healthy eating. Reduce the portion size to approximately half or at minimum by a quarter. When at the table take small portions and resist the urge for the third helping.

2. Curb the Urge to Eat
If you have had a good breakfast, and you have your lunch waiting but you feel hungry in the middle of the morning curb the urge to eat snacks or whatever you can find in your desk drawer. Get busy with something: Internet, exercise, new project in the office, or just pick up the phone and talk to somebody. Drink some water. Soon enough your mind will be off the food bandwagon and you will enjoy your lunch lot more.

3. No Sodas, just Water Please
Completely stop drinking sodas. The biggest appetite killer, the worst filler without being nutritious, and most calorie laden item on your table could be the soda or any carbonated water. If you must take anything other than water with your meal, make it unsweetened Ice Tea. Hot water towards the end of your meal will increase your metabolism and make you feel better breaking down the fat and grease in the process.

4. Fast Once a Month
Fasting is great to curb your urge to eat. Muslims fast every day for one whole month, but you don't have to. You don't have to convert either. Fasting once a month will do wonders for your health. Eat a balanced meal in the morning, then resolve not to eat until after dark. Do what you always do during the day. Then have a healthy balanced meal at the end of the day and it will help you shed extra poundage faster and easier.

5. Eat A Healthy Meal
Eat a full healthy meal instead of filling yourself up with things you don't like, or want to eat just because you are hungry. If you eat a lot of junk food that works as a filler you will still be "hungry" for a meal at the designated time while you are full with junk food. That is very detrimental to your well being, how you feel the rest of the day or in the morning, and also for your diet plan.

Start today, don't delay!

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