Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Would Obama Do

If he ran his presidency as if this is his one and only term in the office

There are people who question if Obama can win second term in the office. At this time he is being kept afloat, barely. The stock market ups and downs are just enough to make it look good for few days, and then it all falls apart until the next cycle. This is well orchestrated. The man behind this facade is the White House Chief of Staff.

Given the disillusionment created at the hands of same set of people, with collusion from the media what if Obama was to break himself free from his current handlers, fire his Chief of Staff and replace him with someone who really deserves the job, and ran his presidency as if this is his last term in the office. What would he do? If he was to keep the promises he made to American people without the interference from his handlers, those who voted for him first time can help him guarantee a win again. As things stand, the ones that voted for him are losing confidence in his ability to deliver on his promises. Not becuase he cannot but because his agenda has been hijacked. (Read analysis if his first term) Those who did not vote for him will never vote for him even if Obama gave them hoards of cash and promised them a place in paradise.
What can he do to affect a 180 degree about face?

He would tell Israel to take a hike
American image has been badly damaged in the eyes of the world, including our most trusted friends for the humiliating defeat of Obama policy when it comes to Middle East peace. The illegal settlements in occupied territories continue, evictions and murder at the hands of IDF continue unabated, the Israeli media war and smear machine continue to pull new tactics to undermine American foreign policy. If Obama ran his presidency as if he only going to be in the office for one term he would stop all aid to Israel until they comply with the legitimate demands of those who want peace in the middle east. He would reign in all the under secretaries running amok at the State Department making their own policy as they go along when it comes to Israeli and middle east politics. These policies are one of undermining Obama's policy of engagement with the leaders in the middle east.

Genuine Effort towards resolving Iranian Nuclear issue
Obama promised diplomacy and an extension of friendship towards Iran. That never happened. The current regime at the state department will not allow that to happen. From the very start of the Obama administration the approach to Iran was that of hostility, outright belligerence, and threats. The policy of disengagement that was put in place by bush/cheney cabal never, for one day, changed. The hand of friendship that Obama wanted to offer to Iranian was cut off as soon as Obama took office. The threat of Military action was never taken off the table, the embargo, and sanctions continue, and the bellicosity that preceded the current administration coming directly from the state department never ceased for one day.
Obama would silence all his detractors at the state department by making a historic trip to Tehran, talking to the Iranians directly, and offering them what no administration has ever done: a genuine engagement for real negotiations.

Stop the Bailout Scam
Billions and Trillions of dollars have been wasted to artificially prop up economy and that has not helped create single job. Only the larger corporations and their CEOs have benefited from the bailout since there is general perception that the pay czar is an inside man. What it may have done is a backward slide of job loss which is really not a gain but a false hope of an improved economy. That bubble can only last for a short time because there is nothing to sustain those jobs for the long run. The only people that have benefited from the bailout are the ones that never needed the bailout. The people that are pushing the bailout and benefiting from it are the same set of people. It's the trademark collusion of the filthy rich that include the bankers, the media, insurance companies, and the military industrial complex.

Geitner has proven himself to be part of the inside crowd and a failure, as suspected from the day one. Geitner must go. At this point Obama dog is probably a better candidate to run the fiscal house than Geitner.

Bring the Culprits to Justice
Those who have committed heinous crimes against humanity should be brought to justice. That includes some people at the highest levels in the previous government. This has to be done if America is to gain credibility in the world. Without taking this serious step towards correcting the wrongs at the hands of those in power we will lose what is left of any credibility in the eyes of the world. Without credibility the only way to keep our supremacy will be to create more wars, more chaos, more bloodshed. There are no two ways about it.

Universal Truth: If the criminals are not brought to justice they live to do the same or even worse crimes again.

Is there still time for an about face? Very little if any. It will take courage, it will take audacity, the same audacity that brought Obama to the office in the first place.

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