Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crimes Against Humanity

Slowly the stories are trickling out. Murder, mayhem, torture, and any other atrocity one can imagine. All perpetrated against people around the world by those who still think they are purveyors of peace and democracy. Worst of all, the perpetrators continue to be defended by the US army, the civilian command, the press, and most American public.

Of course those who perpetrated these atrocities are directly responsible and should be held accountable and brought to justice without further delay. But don't hold your breath for that. There is no outcry, there is no outpouring of support for the aggrieved, there is no media frenzy, there is no call for special congressional hearings. The politicians are still celebrating the Healthcare bill approval by the congress.

Headline: How Americans are Propagandized About Afghanistan.

The story recounts the horrors of US military personnel killing people in cold blood, then covering their tracks with extensive procedures of extracting bullets from the victims' heads (no less). Then, after killing them, tying the women up to make them look like they were bound and gagged by the men for honor killing. What does it take to do all this? How much time does it take to extract bullets from skull? Who is actually doing the extraction? Is it a doctor/medic that is helping? Where are the platoon leaders, the people at the base, and others involved in the carnage?

All of these heinous acts take planning, time, and approvals from senior officers. How many people does it take to cover up these crimes?

The article cites major news media groups colluding with the army and corroborating the story as authentic at the time all of these atrocities took place. New York Times is part of that collusion!CNN is one of the most trusted names in the news business. They supposedly verified the facts, had their people on the ground and reporting the story, and the quotes from the officers in charge are all real. Is this really happening in America today? This is not a movie, this is real life.

After the truth is revealed neither of the original news sources have, to date, admitted complicity, responsibility, or even acknowledgement of false reporting. Do any of these organizations ever make a mistake?

Headline: WikiLeaks Video shows 12 dead in US Army Apache Assault on unarmed Reuters Cameramen.

"The WikiLeaks video of helicopter gunners shooting civilians and savoring their kills as if playing a video game, although horrific, is understandable." Understandable for who? Understandable from whose point of view?

Now the headlines are: WikiLeaks vidoe shows 12 dead in Iraq army assault
Another one says: WikiLeaks Misrepresents Apache Assault on Medhi [sic] Army Militia
The army senior officers defended these actions at the time. The problem is that even today they continue to defend these criminal and rogue elements. How wide spread is this problem? What about thousands upon thousands of murders in Iraq where people were finding headless bodies all around the city of Baghdad? Who really committed those atrocities? At least at the time they were blamed on militias? But is that really true. Who were those dead people?

The Nation (, both in print and on their website most recently reported that their reporters in Pakistan saw operatives from US special operation forces involved in suicide bombings via cars and trucks. Since that reporting and some exposure of that news on news boards, the rate of suicide bombings have gone down to almost zero. Is that a coincidence?
Curiously enough, New York Times did not bother to print anything about either the murders in Afghanistan, (which they originally reported as honor killings and Al-Qaida fighters being neutralized) or the Video of innocent Iraqis being gunned down in broad daylight as if somebody is playing video game. CNN reported the story but did not bring all the horrific details to the fore citing concern for family members of the dead Iraqis. Really? Is the video not available in its entirety in million and one places, either directly or via a youtube embed?

These atrocities clearly amount to crimes against humanity. Will these criminals be exposed and brought to justice?

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