Monday, April 12, 2010

British Soldiers Using Models of Mosques as Target Practice

This is how the hatred starts. The blame is always one sided.

After Ahmad Rushdie wrote the book Satanic Verses the entire Muslim world was in uproar. Probably rightfully so. Under the guise of freedom of speech Rushdie was lauded in the press, and protected from meeting a well deserved early demise. Mush later the British government bestowed Knighthood on Rushdie making him Sir Ahmad Rushdie.

Today the news comes out that British Military is using cutout models of Mosques for target practice. The green domes, single of double, are the distinctive features of models being used. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

While selling these wars at home as efforts to spread democracy around the world, admissions such as "We hunt for Jesus" are not unheard of. Other examples include:
1. Using copies of Qur'an as target practice
2. Throwing copies of Qur'an on the floor that were used by villagers to swear they do not have any knowledge of Taliban
3. US Army have used verses from bibles inscribed on guns used in Afghanistan as symbol of Christ's army against the mainly Muslim Afghans.
4. People being shot at inside the mosques at point blank
5. Army Chaplains in Afghanistan exhorting US soldiers "to be witnesses" for Jesus. 'The special forces guys -- they hunt men basically. We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. Get the hound of heaven after them, so we get them into the kingdom. That's what we do, that's our business."
6. Bibles are translated in Pashto, Dari and other local languages apparently for distribution to the villagers and the local population
7. Pages of Qur'an were flushed down the toilet at Guantanamo Bay prison run by the US military.

None of these actions are ever in line with the official version that is touted and shoved down our throats: Spreading the freedom and democracy, protecting women's rights, and freedom of speech and expression. At the end of the day it all boils down to supremacy and imperialism. Absolutely nothing else matters.

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