Friday, January 22, 2010

Curious Case Of Aafia Siddiqui

Everyday passes by and the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui gets little more complicated. You can get all the details of her case here and you have to do lot more research and diligent work to know the real story and that is where most of the interest lies.

From all the stories swirling around, some made up, others only half truth because nobody has been able to talk to one person that may know the whole truth, and that is Aafia Siddiqui. Those who have talked to her are only interested in making up what serves them to whatever end they are working on.

So where does that leave ordinary citizen that might be interested in the truth? The truth may never come out because there are too many people that don't want the truth to come out. There are too many people that want to make hay at the expense of this one woman.

The long awaited trial of this woman who has gone through hell and back many times over is underway in New York. Read our article When Circus came to town. The trial is being controlled and manipulated on the outset. Judge Berman, the presiding judge has ordered to have a metal detector installed in his court. That part is understood. What is much worse is that you have to not only show ID (which is also OK) but you have to have your address and other information recorded before you are allowed in the court gallery to be part of the proceedings.

This requirement has the desired affect. The courtroom was full the first day of the trial but hardly anybody showed up on the second or the third day. This is tragedy because as a human being the woman needs all the support she can get. Besides the dehumanizing strip searches while the guards snicker and have jolly good time with anal probing etc. this woman has not been allowed to see any of her immediate family members, and nobody else is allowed to visit her, lest any part of truth may come out.

This is an open and shut case. The glaring contradictions in testimony will be overlooked and she will be sentenced to 100+ years to life in some prison for something that can never be proved definitively.

Aafia Siddiqui Trial Day One
Aafia Siddiqui Trial Day two
Aafia Siddiqui Trial Day three


  1. the case is so complicated, i still can not understand it properly

  2. Very few people can understand the full extent of it but here is the problem: There are many pieces that are missing (deliberately) and nobody is allowing Aafia to tell us what those pieces are. This is disguised as treatmetn, or security risk, or any number of other things.

    In the case against her in New York just as what this article has predicted, they have taken one incident and taken it out of context and indicted her for that. The judge did not allow any testimony outside of the narrow definition of the case and that is a huge disservice to justice for Aafia.
