Monday, February 15, 2010

Dueling Veeps

The worst presidency in the history of the United States = George Bush
The worst vice presidency in the history of the United States = Dick Cheney

Unfortunately neither of them are done with America yet. When and how can we get rid of these two people and stop the destruction of this country?

Keith Olberman who is one of the most vehement opponent of bush had this to say earlier:

"He's been shrill, totally unpatriotic, and sounding more concerned with torture and interrogation than with results and intelligence. ... I think he may believe that only his vision can save American, and thus anything, including lying to America, is justifiable. This is, I believe, called 'a Messiah Complex."

During the Bush/cheney years any critic of their administration was immediately labeled anti-America and unpatriotic. The media went along with that and unabashedly maligned anybody that opposed these two people or any of their cohorts. Now when they are out of power, they have abrogated to themselves the right to do what they denied others. Hypocrisy's other name is cheney.

Cheney said "It's the mindset that concerns me." when talking about the treatment of some of the suspects. How is that different from how Richard Reid was treated during Bush presidency. But the guy at the ABC who is suppose to be big times reporter with many years of journalism under his belt, Jonathan Karl, did not ask this very pertinent question, r asked it in a way that gave him an easy out. Did it just not occur to him at the time or was it just something he was not going to ask. Most likely its the later because enough of these people asking the hard question could have prevented the US going to war with Iraq, would have prevented many other catastrophes during the previous administration. These journalists are tongue tied in front of these politicians or are they protecting their sacred cows?

So the problem, once again, is the media. As long as the media keep giving Dick and George time and space on the air and in print they will never ever run out of words to say to mislead the Amercing people. As long as Media stays away from hard questions they will keep getting away with it. American people, for all their strengths, are more easily mislead than any other people because they want to believe somebody. They want to trust those who they elected, now or in the past. That is a two edged sword. Fortunately, judging by the comments on some news sites (excluding Faux News) people are waking up to the truth. Whether any of that will matter or not, only time will tell.

The hypocrisy should stop with the realization that both george and dick were wrong on Iraq. They have caused to have hundreds of thousands of people killed and instead of being ashamed of it they want others to join them so they are not alone. They want others to fail so they stop looking so bad. The stated policy of Republican fringe is that they hope for Obama to fail which was expressed clearly through their mouthpiece Rush. Nobody from the Republican party criticized that, which essentially indicates they all agreed with him. However, realizing they were wrong and admitting it would take a much bigger men than both of these criminals will ever be.

Here is another curiosity. Anytime Cheney comes on a show he seems to be bashing Bush and his policies while bush was in the office. The purpose is two fold. One, it sets the agenda for the current republican wingnuts in the congress. Second, he is playing the role of a good cop and a bad cop and essentially in the process he is making bush look good. From a historical perspective nobody really cares about the vice presidency. If the bush presidency, compared to some to the policies being implemented today, is making him look good than Cheney benefits indirectly. For him it's a win win situation. That is why even if they have to buy time from the networks they will do that to push their agendas.

If Cheney was Japanese, by about now, with all the proof we have against this guy somebody would he handing him the sword.

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