Friday, February 5, 2010

Is It Time For Nations To Get Out Of United Nations Organization

What Have You Done For Me Lately

What exactly does a country like Pakistan gain from membership in UNO. Of course there are the refugee affairs, program for kids under UNICEF, food distribution, health organizations, help with education, and several other programs that provide money for some UN related efforts in the form of subsidies. However, for country like Pakistan where corruption is rife and nothing happens without first getting the right people paid off, these programs only work to line the pockets of select few. In addition to that just by nature and since nobody has the time to implement them correctly these programs perpetuate and spawn more corruption. The cycle never ends. These programs hardly ever benefit any of the intended recipients. Most of these programs can be replaced by myriad of other organizations and NGOs that can bring in their own people and cut out the corrupt individuals that are stopping the aid from getting to the most deserving.

How about a country like Malaysia? What exactly is the benefit that they are receiving from UN. None that is apparent. They have a reasonably strong and stable economy. Their enemies are few and there is no real threat to it's security, except for the superpowers.

The UNO sanctioned and administered Oil For Food program during the American imposed sanctions on Iraq had the corruption going at the highest level. There were at least 2,200 companies involved in this scheme to bilk 1.8 billion dollars from this humanitarian operation. It takes a lot of planning, a systemic rule breaking, and inherent corrupt practices to combine together people and places to continue to do business for illegitimate gains. Indeed the corruption reached as high as the former French Ambassador to UN, Daimler-Chrysler Corporation, and other highly placed officials from the west to the east. All told, according to the UN report put out after the inquiry headed by Paul Volker the former treasury secretary under Clinton, there were 66 nations involved in this corruption scheme. This is only one example and one that was discovered after more than 8 years of unabated illegal operations.

Is the UN hurting and harming or is it a benign organization for the good of the humanity?
Is it time for many of the smaller and powerless countries to get out of UN?

As it stands UN with its membership of majority of the countries of the word is being used as a tool for destruction and for hegemony of America and its closest allies. Iran's troubles with pressure from UN has been going on for years. The same agency makes the rules and then turn around and break them with impunity to punish whom they please or whom they don't like. Kashmir issue has been lingering for more than 50 years with no solution in sight. Israel has broken more UN resolutions than any other country in the history of the organization but everybody, including the security council turns a blind eye. The people that have been hit the worst are the people that needed this body the most. Unfortunately the only reason UNO exists now is to benefit the superpower and its allies.

It is definitely time for nations, one by one, to leave the UNO. Libya, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia could lead the charge and rest can follow. Once the exodus starts it might just compel some countries, to preserve their own power to allow some concessions, allow some third world countries to be part of the core security council with veto power, and they might thing twice before passing another resolution benefiting the jewish state at the expense of rest of the world.

Anything short of that, and if the status quo remains, the smaller countries must leave UN to break this American hegemony on the security council and to take back the sovereignty of their own country.

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