Saturday, February 13, 2010

Will the media lead us to War with Iran

The Obvious Truth People Are Refusing To See

From New York Times to Associated Press to Google, the hypocritical coverage and misleading news headlines is leading us to war with Iran. Last two moths there has hardly been a day that New York Times has not printed a decisively opinionated column telling the nation and the world that its OK to go to war with Iran. The allegiance of New York Times with Iz-ra-eeli lobby is no surprise. New York Times, touted as independent media is THE mouthpiece of AIPAC and rest of the Iz-ra-eeli war machine.

The latest headline from Google:

Here is the headline from New York Times:

The story does not stop at the headlines though. Many of the articles, opinions, and Op-Ed pieces allow you to leave comments and that is where the real story reside. The vitriol, the venom spewed, and the amount of hatred towards not only Iran but rest of the world that has anything to do with Iran. Surprisingly nobody faults the Russians who actually sold the technology as well as most of the know how on building the reactor. Why? The truth may just come out as to what is the capability of is sold to them.

Here are comments and there is no surprise as to what is expected:

Here is another example:

The distortions, the half truths, the misinformation, the unsubstantiated anonymous sources, and just outright lies is what makes up the coverage of Iran nuclear issues. There are many people that know exactly how crooked the media is when it comes to Iran however most of these people have no clue what to do about it. Here is an example of the misinformation (this is realted to drone attacks in Pakistan and the "accuracy" of these attacks):

So the question one must ask: how do they know they were all militants?

One advantage that media has over people at large is that no matter how many comments you leave with hard facts the damage that is done by somebody like New York Times can never be undone. Nobody has the time to call them to account. So the editors know very well that these distortions no matter how egregious are not going to land them in court. The actual war criminals are walking the streets stuffing there pockets let alone the editors of a newspaper being called to account.

1 comment:

  1. I can't agree with everything here you are righton with the media. They are all cut from the same cloth, all in cohoots with each other.
