Monday, February 1, 2010

Headline: Israel Rebukes 2 for U.N. Gaza Compound Shelling

Smoke Gets In My Eyes

We are all safe now since Iz-ra-eel has now rebuked 2 people for shelling and murdering people at the UN Gaza Compound. Don't you feel safer now? A collective sigh of relief! Can we please have the drum roll! The applause! Standing ovation! Dancing in the streets?

The headlines are making the rounds on all major and mainstream media outlets. Even the New York Times has an article that stayed online the entire day. Not sure what will be its fate tomorrow. Thankfully its not part of any blog though. We would not want to give anybody opportunity to comment about the (mis)carriage of this great injustice now, would we.

This is a major coup for the forces of evil. They have gotten away with murder yet again. How cool is that. The widows and the children of the dead are happy now. Now that they know that some people have been "rebuked." They have been told: Please don't do it again. Avoid it if you can. The fact that its a rare admission makes it all good. Knowing (in)justice is served. The devil, as always is in the details though.

"The Israeli news media identified the senior officers as a division commander, Brig. Gen. Eyal Eisenberg, and the former Givati brigade commander, Col. Ilan Malka. Neither was demoted, but Captain Raz said the reprimand would remain on their personal records and could affect their chances of promotion."

Has anybody been fired? Has anybody been jailed for life for it? Has the US drone did a secret strike to exact revenge over this murder? Has there been any talk of money been paid for rest of the natural life of people (a la compensation paid and still being paid for holocaust)?

Probably not.

So what this circus amounts to is sweeping the murder of innocent people under the rug. The articles are written by friendly reporters to soften the blow and making it seem like justice is served on a platter and Iz-ra-eel has done great things for the humanity by "reprimanding" couple of low level officers.

"But the military maintained ambiguity about a more contentious issue, whether the artillery shells that struck the compound contained white phosphorus, as the liberal daily newspaper Haaretz reported Monday. The chemical can be used to illuminate battlefields or cause smoke screens, but can also burn flesh."

This is nothing but a smokescreen in the eyes of the world. Atrocity at the highest levels of at least two governments: Iz-ra-eel and the US.

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