Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hariri Assasination

The Truth Will Prevail

This year Feb 14th is the 5th anniversary of the assisination of Rafiq Hariri. He was the beloved son of Lebanon, one of the best things that happened to Lebanon. He was charismatic, he had all the right connections across the Muslim world, he was even involved in politics of countries like Pakistan. He was instrumental in the education of thousands of Lebanese through the works of Hariri Foundation. He was a real valentine for many. What he lacked was the sufficient backing of the then state department. That is how he got killed.

If you know anything about the Middle East politics, you know that its easy to assisinate people and even easier to lay the blame on whomever you want to lay the blame on. Rafiq Hariri's assasination and subsequent blame game is no exception to that tried and true rule.

For years all everybody has heard is "people" pointing fingers at Syria. Poeple that have absolutely nothing to do with Lebanese politics. People that don't even know where Lebanon is on the map. But that is only in the US. It's the easiest part of the blame game. Who is going to question that? Is the media going to question the validity of that blame? Absolutely not. The entire mainstream media, without a single exception, is married to one and its favorite cause: backing Iz-ra-eel even at the expense of the destruction of our democratic ideals. Are the people going to challenge the varacity of this claim. There is no chance of that. How is anybody going to questions it? Why is anybody going to question that? Are they going to question that via the blogs and comments on the blogs? For all practical purposes comments on the blog are meaningless chatter, especially after the fact. Comments are moderated by the same people that edit the original news. Is anything that they don't want reported can get past those moderators? Absolutely not. Has anybody tried undoing the damage caused by false reporting? Good luck with that. That leaves the foreign press. However, so little of that tricles down to American audience that the impact of it is negligent, better yet its non-existent. What if three or so people know the truth or are convinced that its anything other than what the mainstream media is selling. Does anything change?

The people that have visited Lebanon and have been following this story from day one has a different opinion though. The opinion no one ever hears. They all point finger at Iz-ra-eel. There is very little doubt in the minds of majority of Lebanese because by way of technique, the aftermath, the method of detonation, the lack of any proof left afterwards, and the magnitude of the explostion and the destruction caused by it, all points to this being the work of M0ssad. Poeple in the know, that have seen both relate this to the bombng that killed the South Lebanes Army general that was going to testify against Ariel Sharon in the case of war crimes against Sharon in Belgium.

Lebanon, with its internal strife going on, does not have the know how to do any investigation. Syria had just pulled most of its operatives from Lebanon and there was no high enough ranking officer that could be available on the scene when the bombing took place. The evidence gathered was stale and may be tainted to start with. No other country in the middle east has its own forensics experts to do a real and thorough analysis of the evidence. Therein lies the biggest advantage for Iz-ra-eel. Therein lies the freedom of having a free hand that Iz-ra-eel has over anybody that it deems an enemy. In addition, all the Arab countries are loath to admit that they don't have neither the experties, or the political clout, nor the power to question what International court of public opinion, formualted at the hands of kept media, holds.

Until any one or more of these factors change the targeted killings will continnue unabated and blame will continue to be placed on whomever Iz-ra-eel chooses to put the blame on.

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