Monday, January 25, 2010

Bin Laden Spotted at Pentagon?

Bin Laden is alive and well, chilling in the basement of Pentagon in Langley Virginia. His room number is B3-S55A3-c. That, for you Pentagon newbies, is located in Basement 3, South Wing 55, Office Type is A which means top security clearance is required, and 3 is the size of the office, being a medium sized office. the "-c" is for no cameras allowed under any circumstances, regardless of the security clearance. Amazingly enough though, this is the same room where one of the clandestine Audio-Visual lab is located. Coincidence? Hardly.

When Bin Laden first came on the scence his tape recording was heard on many TV stations. These were feeds from Al-Jazeera. You remember Al-Jazeera, the friendly network that provided lots of propaganda material after the 9/11 fiasco. Truth remains murky at best. It's the same TV station that later tried to start an English broadcasting service but that effort went nowhere because no American cable company would carry their broadcast. Certainly not because it was not going to be profitable. The word is that the directives not to carry Al-Jazeera came directly from the top, from people like George and Dick. They could not agree on how much they can control on what goes in and what stays out. The people at Al-Jazeera would not relinquish that control over to the same set of people that determine what goes in or stays out at Associated press. Rest is history.

Back to Bin Laden tapes. The voice on the recording was distinct and one that was authenticated at the behest of CIA. As events unfolded and Bin Laden's presence became more scarce the voice on the recording changed. Changed about 180 degrees if there is a measure like that for voice. The change was apparent to layperson, but only those who actually paid any attention. Therein lies the problem. The ordinary viewer of the six o'clock news have absolutely no clue and does not care if the voice is same or different. How many of them even remember the airing of Bin Laden's voice few days after 9/11 and any subsequent airing of the purported tapes that pop up at the most convenient times? Can any of those viewers tell where Afghanistan is on the map. Do they know which continent England is located in? Do they know who is the senator from their state? Clueless people being fed lies and agenda of hatred and then given the potent weapon of a vote. That is a dangerous combination.

Bin Laden will never die. Not as long as this so called war on terrorism continues and is in the interst of US for it to continue. He will never die as long as the funding of the lab at B3-S55A3-c can be secured. There are very little doubts that the funding will stop anytime soon.

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