Thursday, January 14, 2010

Top 10 Things We Like To See Taken Off The Media

  1. FoxNews - Fox anything - lies, lies, lies

  2. War on Terror - give it a rest - it's all hoax, lies, and drama anyway

  3. Glenn... who? As if Rush was not telling enough lies

  4. maligning of any religion - stop all frivolous religion bashing now

  5. Pat Robertson and the 700 Club - call it the church of hate and bigotry

  6. Dick's ugly face - the more he lies more crooked it gets

  7. George's ugly face - don't make me puke again.... please

  8. Ann Frank and the holocaust propaganda industry - the world has endured enough propaganda, now go away

  9. GM - when will they go away? When will the bailout at taxpayer's expense will end? Sell them to the Irish

  10. Jay Leno - nothing personal and we love you but please go away - go and tend to your antique cars or do something productive

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