Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who Is Afraid Of Islam

Islam bashing is nothing new. It's been going on for centuries. Crusaders murdered Muslims by the thousands without remorse, without as much much as second thought. All that at the behest of a Pope. Imagine that. Religious man telling his forces to kill indiscriminately. Women, Children, men, boys, and girls. The orders were precise: kill them until there are no more left. Fast forward to today and the crusades continue. Now in the the name of democracy or security or any lofty purpose dujour. So who is really afraid of Islam and why?

Of course the media would have you believe that Islam is anti west and all that malarkey. The reality is Islam as a religion and in itself is neither a threat to the west nor a threat to security of any one person or nation. Contrary to what the media and the right wing would have you believe, while liberals joining the chorus of hate speech from time, Islam does not teach violence nor it tells any one to convert against their will. Each and every Muslim knows today without a moment of hesitation that a person converting against their will is contrary to the essence of Islam, against the very core of the Islamic belief. And despite the negative press and all the misinformation the conversions keep coming. People still convert to Islam of their free will. There have been Clerics that have turned people away and told them that this is not a step to be taken lightly and one must think about it very carefully. They have in fact told people to go away and think about it more for week or two and then if they still think this is the right thing to do for them to come back again to embrace Islam.

Of course there are people that go away from Islam too. Its mostly because they are caught up in the moment. They are caught up with the glitter and the music, and pursuit of something different, something that is prevalent in the media and what surrounds them. They are taken in by the music and other frivolity. They are taken in by the promise of new found friendship and the easy life that awaits them without the media hatred of what is an essential part of one's life.
When people on their own really look at what Islam represent and what it stands for, when they do independent research, they invariably come to the same conclusion: Islam is the right religion and the only religion to be followed. It's a way of life that is most fulfilling and one that coincides with nature the most. If one really reads up on Islam they can find, time and again, that it's nothing even close to the menace its portrayed as by the media and the right wing bigots. That is where the problem lies. That is what really compels people, both Jews and Christians, to become hateful of Islam. Its what they don't have in their own religion is what makes them hate Islam. What you see in the media is over hyped bigotry because how else they are going to make people stay away from this religion.

For an ordinary person born in either Jewish or Christian household the message has to get through somehow to compel them to explore beyond what they currently have. To look beyond their daily routine. Beyond what Church teaches and what it hides. However, based on the media's portrayal of Islam, as wrong as that is, how would anybody want to reach beyond what they know to find the truth. These people must continue to tell lies, must continue to mislead, must continue to distort the facts, exaggerate the threat, twist the truth in order to continue to keep people away from exploring Islam.

Unfortunately there are not enough people with sufficient knowledge to spread the truth about Islam. So all we have is what the current media wants you to know. As long as the media stays in the grips of the few this hatred and fear mongering will continue.

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