Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Skip The Headlines

They are all lies and misinformation

I have been doing some non-scientific research lately. On my own. No mega funding, no celebrity endorsements, no big time media moguls involved in the process. That could be good or bad. First the bad part. I will not get the notoriety that my research deserves. I will not get famous for doing this research. I will not be called by NPR or the likes of them for a feature show. It will just sit there for anybody who just happens to pass by my post. Just a chance lookup of the "next blog."

Now the good part. It will be fair; as fair as it can be with one person’s opinion. There will be no spin other than my own. In today’s media for me those are invaluable traits. Those things do not exist anywhere, no exception. Let me repeat that: no exception. Are you getting my point yet.
The premise is simple. At for now once a day, usually in the morning after I wake up with cheap coffee and morning rituals I log on to the computer and look at the news. I have selected four news sites. Two (they call themselves) independent and two news aggregators as follow:

I look at the headlines and take screen shots. Just the headlines and the little blurb attached to each headline in the case of the news aggregators. No detailed article listing for who knows what slander lurks inside. Sometimes, depending on how busy the site is I may take two screen shots of the same site by scrolling down to get additional headlines and topics of interest. If I did not do that I believe that the outcome will be more non-scientific than it has to be.
I have started the process since the beginning of the year. I have the screen shots of everyday for all four sites.

Can you guess the rest of my article? If you don’t want to guess or maybe you are eager to get my spin and if so then please read on. Otherwise I know you have better things to do.
The story broke on Christmas day. How timely is that. People are off work, they have all the time in the world to surf the web. They are feeling somewhat religious, but definitely more than other time. And wham bham!!!! Some guy wants to blow up a plane. It could not have happened at more opportune time, now could it? It’s a boon for the news media, match made in heaven. Any other clichés I can use. I’ll spare you.

The results of my non-scientific research so far:

Everyday without fail, the top of the news is nothing but more bad news, related stories that rehashed, the stories that are made up to look new. Lies, lies, and more lies.

The word on the street is that this guy tried to get on the plane without a passport. He was successful in doing so from one port to another, then board the plane once more, without the passport and head to Detroit. Really? So is it security failure or a planned activity.
His father tells CIA his son is mixed up in things he should not be and nobody takes notice. Was that by design or just an overlook on the part of the CIA. What transpired at the terminal to bypass all the checks. Once again one is forced to conclude that there might be some collusion on the part of some inside people to get this guy on the plane.

The timing, the circumstance, the details. I for one don’t believe any of this. But the aftermath is equally disturbing. It’s the relentless crusade on anything Islamic, anybody Muslim, anything and anybody from Muslim world. All part of the plan. In the meantime the Patriot Act was up for renewal at the start of the year. There were concerned senators that had made the case to make amends for many wrongs that were perpetrated by previous administration. I have yet to see any debate on that issue. It’s a real issue that is of concern and should be of concern to ordinary citizen.

There was the promise of closing the notorious torture heaven called Guantanamo Bay, USA, prison. I saw a news article specifically talking about people being released from Guantanamo Bay and involved in terror activities. The article had no names, no references, no specifics. It was a made for news article from Associated Press to convey a point. No debate is going on regarding that promise. This was a promise because of which many voters went to polls and voted for democrats. Yesterday the promised deadline passed without any serious action or lack therof and any serious consequences. There were no articles in the New York Times, nothing on the CNN, no mention of this in the first State Of The Union speech last night. There are approximately half of the detainees approved to be sent to their home countries but no real dates set for them to be realeased. Any little thing can delay the whole process of overdue justicebeing served.

The wholesale derailment and hijacking of Obama’s entire agenda (read our earlier article) is a foot note because news media is too busy concocting stories on how Muslims are out to get America, left, right, and center.

For an ordinary person it's difficult to tell what is the truth and where the lies begin. It's one thing if the facts are presented as they may be. Good, bad, or ugly. The problem lies when there is the spin from the sources that are suppose to give you the facts. Most people do not have the time to dig the truth and so whatever is displayed on the screen becomes the truth. Therein lies the great rewards for the media. When a dog is rewarded for barking, it continues to do so; it increases its barking for more food and more treats.

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