Sunday, January 24, 2010

You Can Kiss Their A$$ Now - Again

They just got done with the Golden Globe Awards. Here comes the Screen Guild Awards. This all in anticipation of the big awards: The Oscars which will be sometimes in March. Lot of kissing A$$ going on within an industry that keeps everything on the inside. The whole movie industry is insidious and feeds on its own. Hundred years and the same set of people are making millions without having to pay a dime in taxes. Ever heard of any movie making any money other than what it takes in at the box office?

Have you ever wondered what are all those names that you see rolling by at the start of any movie. Yes, they are a ponzi scheme to keep the profits on the inside. The age old cliche: You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. From the accountants to distribution to delivery and transportation, all done by the people on the inside. How did Slum dog millionaire won any awards last year is anybody's guess. Perhaps it's just as well so that they can have at least one example to show any critic. Just one.

Last 50 or so years have seen one holocaust related movie after another win the awards of one kind or another. If its not about something j3wish then it will not win the award. Casablanca to modern day Reader, all are prime examples of a sure formula for winning at the Oscars.
Can anybody enter the movie business and legitimately compete?

Note: Currently study is underway to list all award winning movies and the subject matter of the movie. Any guesses for the one overwhelmingly dominant subject that garners a node for an Oscar? Please leave us a note.

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