Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Opinion: Advantures Of Ms P

Some years ago I came across somebody who, for the sake of brevity and confidentiality, we would call Ms P. She had a nice personality, she was great to look at, a nice body to spare, and for most part she was easy to get along with. Or so I thought. At times I thought she was bipolar.

We were doing video projects together, projects that we thought was going to one day make us world famous. We got along superbly. Maybe it was too good to be true and I should have gotten a clue early on. We got together to work on these project and since there were other people involved in the process, they began to think we were an item. Unbeknownst to me she actually thought we could be an item. Long story short, we met many times over the course of 6 or so months and one thing led to another and before I know it she convinced me that all I really wanted to do was to get on with her. Yes, like any man’s man I dreamed of her, thought of her, and even made love to her without her being there. Eventually it did happen which is where the story really begins. Or perhaps it’s where it ends.

One day we were chilling and she told me she was going to get something to drink. This should have been my first clue. But unfortunately not for me. I had to learn the hard way. All she wanted to get for drink was hot water. Hot water? That was the first time I had ever seen anybody take water, heat it up in the microwave and sip it like a cup of coffee. It took me years to get over that one. I am still not quite over that one.

Next came one of the projects. We lived this morbid project for many months and granted there were many many interesting moments but the stigma of the whole project was something similar to an actor being cast in the first role and the possibility of it staying with that type of role for his/her entire career. The project was about Suicide prevention and how these two women were part of the American Suicide Prevention Association etc. etc. It was downhill from there.
The next project came along and it was about the Bundt. Is that how you say it? Well it was about the Nazi chasing the jews all over the world and how these people had ended up in, of all places somewhere in CT. That is when I had to put a stop to the morbidity of the whole thing. No more projects.

Unfortunately, or otherwise, in the meantime we have developed a certain type of friendship and we have gotten into a routine of things like sex, dinners, conversations, going places together, and just being pals. During all this time we would come up with things to talk about but invariably the conversation somehow would always turn to, of all subjects, the age old topic that gets renewed every five seconds, of none other than the Holocaust. Holocaust Shmolocaust. There, I have said it! I have been waiting to say that for ever and ever. So I did some research and I found a whole industry around this one subject that is embedded in the psyche of all jews the world over. It seems like the first words any newborn jew hears is to remember holocaust. Then the entire life is set on a path of morbidity and victim mentality. Normally I would have no issue with any particular subject, morbid or otherwise, but this was different.

So the idea of living this holocaust thing over and over and over and making this a major part of one’s life was intriguing. Of course there are events around this that would surely not go away in my life time. The museums in every major or non-major city of US depicting the horrors of holocaust over and over are an industry unto themselves. Worse things have happened in the history of the world, both in magnitude and importance. One would ask why is that such a problem? The problem is with this victim mentality and the web that is woven around that victim mentality. It seems like the entire world is being held hostage to this phenomenon and lives are being lost in the process. Irony of all ironies: holocaust is, in and of itself, justification for countless killings and murder. Imagine that. Holocaust and its countless memoriam that go on in some form of fashion just about every day should be a lesson to not perpetrate the same atrocities on anybody else. It should be the lessons learned on how to protect life. It could have been the event to end all wars. On the contrary, countless people have died in the name of security for the jews murdered by the jews themselves. I heard this many years ago when I had no clue what holocaust was all about. Somebody told me Hitler was a bad man and asked why and he said because he killed all the good jews. Thinking back and looking at the current events that rings so very true.

One can do whatever they like with their life. That’s their prerogative. They can live in morbid curiosity of the holocaust, create monuments for the dead, and collect money to do whatever they want in the name of holocaust, and the list goes on. Yet, here is the worst that has happened due to this obsession with holocaust and the industry around it. America has been hijacked. American values have been hijacked. The one country that was supposed to stand for truth and justice for all people of the world is no more. This is by all accounts the worst tragedy in the history of the world. In the name of holocaust they are denying life and liberty to millions. In the name of holocaust they are killing and murdering people without giving life a second thought. In the name of holocaust they raise money and buy politicians to continue with the killing and murdering. America and Americans stand silent and let these people commit these atrocities without giving it a second thought, without realizing the impact its having on what it is to be American. We are devaluing the country and its values in the eyes of the world and as such there is not one country left that would defend the tyranny anymore.

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