Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama's First Year

Obama's first year in the office is turning out to be a huge disappointment. The wingnuts are celebrating and dancing in the streets while full of glee. Some of the democrats are stunned, others are cautiously optimistic that it may just wake some people up from their slumber and maybe, just maybe, things will get better for the long run. The real losers however are the American people. They know what they voted for. They also know that it was possible for Obama to deliver on the promise. But most of all, they know that its the collusion of media and a small but vocal minority that has hijacked Obama's agenda. However, the problem is most of these people are totally helpless when it comes to the influence of the media over the politicians. Most of them don't even understand it. Majority of them don't know where to start on tackling the problem. With all the blogs and all the twittering you would think people would actually have some power that is brutally usurped by the big media. Not so. The control remains with the big boys and they are not about to relinquish it anytime soon.

So what exactly is it that Obama needs to do to get his presidency back. He still has time but it's running out on him fast. He has few options if he stays the course. The changes have to be swift and decisive. He must take action before he gets to the point of no return. A point of no return is beyond the mid-term elections. If no drastic measures are taken to save this sinking ship it will be too late and he will be a lame duck long before his time.

He must stop pandering to the fear mongers. The Christmas day airline fiasco was a planned event. It was orchestrated at very high levels of several governments. Delta Airlines was a willing player. Obama must stop the fear mongering tactics implemented by the remnants of the previous administrations. The FBI, the CIA, and the DHS, all have people that are staunch supporters of George and Dick. They would still do anything for their old bosses, including orchestrating a spectacular show of force on Christmas day. Keep in mind many of these people don't celebrate Christmas so they have all the time in the world to plan something like this.

Obama must replace his chief of Staff. The current occupant of that office is an old hand at back stabbing and he is a snake, and no less. The nature of snake is to bite, friend or a foe. It's the nature of the snake and can not help it. This guy has no loyalty to America. As long as Obama has him as his chief of staff he will not be able to accomplish anything. On top of that, the blame of everything and anything will fall on Obama regardless of the actors involved. That is how the current chief of staff's training is. We all know where he got his training. The buck stops at Obama and nobody else will take any responsibility. Nobody has to because it's a setup. Its an exit strategy. Do you know who our Secretary of State is? Nobody seems to know that. The American foreign policy is currently outsourced like millions of our jobs, manufacturing, and everything else. Obama should take the reigns of foreign policy in his own hands and do some of the things that he promised during several of his speeches.

He must treat friends as friends. At this time we have no friends on account of the fact that our foreign policy has not changed from where it was a year ago. The thuggery, at the hands of under secretaries at the state department, continues. The hope of change that many people across the globe saw and hoped for based on the campaign promises is dissipating fast. People across the globe are realizing that George and Dick are still running the country. The ill conceived war on terror continues. Guantanamo bay prison is flourishing, Bagram is as torturous as ever. Looting of Iraqi oil continues. People that have committed heinous crimes, war crimes, are getting away on technicalities. US treasury is being looted in the name of bailout. There is no transparency anywhere.

The false reporting of rosy economic situation must stop now. The truth comes out sooner or later, usually the following day. Jobs, better pay, stability of the stock market, improvement in the housing market, availability of credit for businesses and for buying houses are some of the things people look at. The proof is in the pudding. When people are getting fired at the same rate others are getting hired, albeit at lower pay rates, the change people want to see is not forthcoming and so nothing is going to change. Perception is reality for most. Americans are stupid when it comes to foreign policy but not when it comes to their own pockets and prosperity.

Stop the expansion of wars. Yemen is a threat created to checkmate Saudis. For what reason, is beyond anybody's guess. The sophisticated weaponry the rebels have is not coming from Iran. Iran does not have those kinds of weapons to export. In addition currently their hands are tied up with problems at home mostly of their own making. Whatever happened to all the training and weapons that Saudis bought and paid premium price for? Whatever happened to the tactical support the "allies" were going to provide to Saudi government in case they needed it.

Sooner some or all of these measures are put in place sooner there is a chance of recovery for Obama's presidency.

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