Saturday, January 30, 2010

Opinion: No Way Out

Can We Win In Afghanistan?

The answer depends on what we will take for a win. If winning means a stable Afghanistan in the image of America then go ahead and dream on. If you think that winning means leaving a reasonably stable country with some modicum of government that can defend itself and make alliances with opposition then there is some hope.

Winning outright would require us to send thousands upon thousands of soldiers. We are talking about in tune of half a million soldiers. We we even have that many soldiers? It would mean wiping off huge population of Afghanistan. It would mean wholesale massacre like what we did to the native Americans.

Allowing for alliances to form we have to recognize people for what they are. We are not capable to doing that. When you are the president of the United States and you see the floating city we call air craft carrier, and then he finds out we have several of those it can get to his/her head real quick. We have the best of everything. An air force that has no equal in the skies. All of these things are good to make you power drunk. Its easy then to want outright victory even at the expense of wiping out half the population of any given country because you think you can, because you can not think of any challenges in your way, you can not think of anything to stop you from doing that.

Allowing for Alliances is the only way to go if we are going to come out ahead in Afghanistan. One man's terrorist is another person's hero. Think what you will but you will have to come to terms with that reality. There is nothing wrong with negotiating with anybody who wants to make peace. Currently America is perceived to be on the run. As long as that perception does not change the enemy will continue to fight back, a low level insurgency. But look at what its doing to us. Billions of dollars gone in the air, with more billions required just to sustain and keep the status quo. The Indigent Afghainis are not going anywhere. They can't go anywhere. They are all on the watch list and nobody to get them on board like the well connected Nigerian guy!

Sooner we allow for alliances to be made sooner we can put this fiasco behind us.

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