Monday, January 18, 2010

Suppporting I$rael Weakens America

I$rael has been on the forefront of the news everyday since its inception. Never a day goes by when we do not hear a new atrocity attributed to I$rael. The killing of people, land disputes, land grab by IDF, border friction with all its neighbors, humiliations at the UN, the barbed attack on world leaders, and untold toxification of the political landscape.

Through all of this turmoil America as a nation has supported I$rael. We have supported I$rael unconditionally without reservations.

Have you ever stopped and reflected upon the cost that America as a country is paying for supporting I$rael?

When it comes to Human Rights abuses I$rael stands apart. The rights of millions of people are being taken away at the hands of one of the most oppressive regime in the Middle East. The oppressors are I$raelis, the country that we support for committing hundred and thousands of atrocities every day. How so? Please consider this:

  • New born babies to Palestinian Arabs and those living in Jerusalem are not automatically granted I$raeli citizenship. As soon as they are born they become illegal residents through no fault of their own. The citizenship of parents does not matter. Even if the parents have I$raeli citizenship thier kids do not get I$raeli citizenship. They are stateless people forced out of their country of birth, the country of their parents
  • People that have lived in Jerusalem for more than 50 years and outright own the land/dwellings are being evicted from their homes forcefully to make way for other development as lofty as public parks while these people have no where to go
  • The deportation of Arab-I$raelis continues every day. Only few years ago there were 450,000 Arabs in East Jerusalem, now there are only 250,000 remaining. This is through the stated policy of ethnic cleansing and it continues at the behest of I$raeli government, supported by the state controlled judiciary, and funded by Jewish owned and controlled corporations that are based around the world, mainly in US, Britain and South Africa
  • Targeted killing of civilians and religious leaders, also part of the ethnic cleansing, continues under the watchful eyes of the world community in the disguise of fighting terrorism
  • Human Organ trafficking is a widespread problem committed at the hands of I$raeli doctors, medical personnel and the IDF. People that are captured for any reason are liable to have their kidney and other organs removed, without consent, and the dead are harvested for organs and these organs are trafficked around the world to the highest bidder
  • Kids as young as 5 years old are in state custody for supporting "terrorism." These kids are used as ransom to capture other members of the family
  • Underage kids are being kept incommunicado, in solitary confinements, and without the benefits of visitation rights from family and loved ones. Many of these kids are kept under arrest without them knowing what they are being held for in prison. Many end up dead by what is now known as "Palestinian hanging" which happens when you are hung by chains with your arms behind your back, causing them to come out of their sockets, and killing because of the internal blood clots that eventually make their way to the heart causing seizure and heart attack
  • Women and girls are raped and tortured as material witnesses
  • Land with Olive groves and animals are torched on regular basis to prevent anybody coming too close to the border area
  • I$raeli forces have used illegal ammunitions, prohibited by Geneva convention, against civilian population
  • I$raeli defense forces have killed civilians without provocation, and in cold blood. They have killed unarmed civilians including infants, children, young girls, and women
  • I$rael has directly attacked designated shelter areas, hospitals, and places of worship
  • I$rael has bombarded UN missions that are clearly marked and for which the location coordinates were provided to I$raeli forces and civilian management

How long must all this continue? How long must we continue to support this tragedy?

What are the costs of all this human tragedy to the US? We are having to protect the murderous government of I$rael every step of the way. When we turn a blind eye to these atrocities we are telling the world that it is OK for others to do the same. When we turn the other cheek we are unable to face up to anybody else in the world and ask them to obey the rule of law. Every time we tell somebody to respect life and obey rule of law they point to our unabated support of I$rael. That shuts us down. We are unable to hold China responsible for their human rights abuses. We are unable to tell the Russians they are not to engage in extra judicial killings. We are unable to hold those responsible who caused genocide in Darfur.

Political decent is not anti-Semitism. It is in fact almost a crime not to speak up. In fact those who don’t speak up or don’t take action against the I$raeli atrocities around the world are equally complicit in the crimes committed against humanity. They are equally complicit of ethnic cleansing at the behest of I$raeli government. They have blood on their hands.

When we support I$rael we weaken America. We do irreparable damage to our country. We essentially tell people of the world we don’t support justice, we don’t support human rights, we allow the tyranny to prevail against the weak even though the weak party is in the right. It weakens America by having to defend bloodshed of the innocent, the taking of land by the oppressors, and waging war against civilians and the unarmed.

Call for Action:

Please don’t stand still shocked at these atrocities because the time for action is now. Time for action has come. Please help stop these killings, ethnic cleansing, war against innocent civilians, land grab, and forced removal of people from their homes and homeland. Here is how you can help:
Please take immediate action and call/write/contact your

  • Local representative
  • Stat Representative
  • State Senator

Tell them you do not support their unequivocal support of I$rael. Tell them I$rael must be held accountable for the crimes against humanity, they must be stopped from engaging in crimes against humanity with the support of the US government and the press, that they must be held accountable for what they have done.

Write to your local newspaper, write to any and all newspapers that you read and tell them you do not support I$raeli atrocities

Go to your favorite website and join the discussion/blog and tell the world you have had enough of this one sided policy of unabated support of I$rael and this must stop now

Discuss politics with your family and friends and tell them political decent is not anti-Semitism. Tell them you will not support I$rael and I$raelis without holding them responsible for their actions. Tell them that fighting for freedom, self determination, and democracy does not make anybody a terrorist

Support those organizations that are doing legitimate work to prevent untold human catastrophe in the Palestinian occupied territories including Gaza.

We need your help. We need everybody’s help now and for a long time to come. We don’t want money, we don’t want riots, and we don’t want demonstrations. We want lawful action to tell people that I$rael is wrong in what they are doing and must be held accountable for what they are doing and most importantly I$rael must be prevented from continuing the murder of innocent people, the ethnic cleansing, and torture.

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